What will happen to the "God of chaos"? | Chronic


By Daniel Beylis
[email protected]

The debate over the direction of one of the most observed asteroids in different space laboratories of the world is not over. The arrival of asteroid 99942, still feared, which was already castilianized under the name of Apophis and nicknamed "God of chaos", has become a source of fear and controversy in this twenty-first century. many astronomers predict a possible impact with the planet Earth, which would be devastating. Of course, they differ by dates and some even consider this possibility of shock as improbable for the rest of this centenary.

The asteroid Apophis, about 325 meters in diameter, was discovered in 2004 and named in honor of the Greek god of darkness and chaos. Its discovery in 2004 caused a sensation in the global scientific community, as calculations showed a 2.7% chance of the celestial body colliding with the Earth, one of the highest rates compared to other celestial bodies. who crisscross the universe.

Those who know speak

For example, a team of scientists from St. Petersburg State University in Russia recently warned that the asteroid Apophis could strike the Earth in 2068. According to a report, which will be presented at the end of January next, before his confrontation with our world, the nickname of Apophis will pbad near him at a distance less than that which separates us from the Moon. "The peculiarity of this asteroid is that it will approach much more than expected from the Earth, exactly on April 13, 2029, when it will pbad at a distance of 38,000 km", says the document quoted last Friday by Ria Novosti. Experts predict that Apophis will approach the Earth many times and that the approach "more dangerous" it will take place in 2068, when the asteroid will probably hit the surface of the earth.

It is estimated that in 2068, the "most dangerous" approach between the Earth and the asteroid will be finalized

According to early estimates of several experts from different countries, the space body should touch the Earth within ten years. However, researchers at the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have calculated that the probability that Apophis will have an impact on our planet in 2029 is a thousand times lower than what currently exists. Our planet is coming up against an asteroid unknown until now.

Reviews found

Studies by Russian scientists have confirmed that because of the unique and unique characteristics of this asteroid, they estimate that by April 13, 2029, Apophis will pbad at a distance of 38,000 kilometers, "say scientists from the State University of St. Petersburg (Russia) Instead, the astrophysicist at the Turin Observatory, Alberto Cellino, admitted that the specialists "they can not calculate the behavior " of the asteroid because "Its orbit will change unpredictably" in the future. In any case, these changes are generated abruptly, without explanation, and any forecast is then uncertain.

NASA warns

Beyond the clarifications or not, NASA has already begun preparations for the arrival of the asteroid Apofis, because it is certain that it will probably pbad over our head, probably in 2029. It is 340 meters in diameter and will only cross 30 500 km from the surface. from Earth: closer than television satellites. As we will see, the distance calculated by American researchers differs by almost 7,500 kilometers from that of their Russian peers.

About, Alan Harris, a researcher from the agency, said that "There are other trajectories of impact" of Apophis in the distant future. What they consider is that this asteroid will get too close to our planet in a relatively short time for the world clock, because it is certain that in 2029, if it maintains its current trajectory, it will have its approach Max.

NASA estimates that it will be very close to Earth in 2029

A minor detail is that if the "god of chaos", one of the largest asteroids that pbades so close to the surface of the Earth and a potential collision with the planet can potentially be devastating for all types of life. The asteroid travels nearly 25,000 km / h (40233.6 km / h) and has to get closer to the Earth compared to communication satellites and weather in orbit, whose geostationary orbits are 36,000 km away. (22,236 miles) of our planet.

In this context, NASA scientists are aware that the asteroid approaching our planet in a decade, although until then, its orbital trajectory could also change, which increases the fear that the mbadive rock can collide with the planet.


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