What will the year of the pig bring us?


This Tuesday, February 5, a new Chinese year has begun, which means that the sign in place has also changed. This tradition considers a calendar which is governed by a lunar cycle of 12 years in which each year is represented by an animal. In 2019 – just like in 2007, 1995 and 1983 – this animal is the pig that says goodbye to the dog.

The pig – especially that of the Earth – is the sign that marks, according to the predictions of Chinese astrology, certain aspects that will prevail in this new year: fertility, art, reflection and cooperation.

Water is the fixed energy of the pig and, although it is an element opposed to the land, the Argentine astrologer Ludovica Squirru (d & 39; after his book) Chinese horoscope 2019. Year of the pig of the earthI told Clarin it would be a year of fertility. Taking into account this Eastern belief, it is considered that the moment is well chosen to bring the children to the world – which, moreover, will be marked by fortune.

Squirru explained that the years of the pig had to communicate with the whole body and dance. "The pig is not measured, you want the art and details, but you also want to feel useful, that your point of view and your knowledge matter in your family and your community," said l & # 39; astrologer.

Anyway, Squirru's predictions describe that, in the face of all the benefits of fertility, the new year also brings with it chronic diseases, especially those that affect the digestive system. "We will see that media attention will float around diseases such as diabetes, stomach cancer, acute stomach infections, gastritis and mental health, related to obsessive-compulsive disorder. The secret this year will be not to exaggerate with sugar, high fructose syrup and obsessions .. Do not go over the ladder: moderate first, "warns the astrologer.

Who benefits in the year of the pig?

In another note for Clarín, Squirru said that the rabbit, the goat, the pig, the monkey, the rat, the tiger and the horse will be the animals that will have a better year. For fans, the new book of the astrologer can be purchased in different bookstores in Uruguay for $ 750.


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