What would happen to the Earth if the moon did not exist? – Information


The planet Earth is one of a kind since it was born after the impact of an object larger than Mars and that it is the only one of the solar system to have one. double and exceptionally large satellite: the Moon.

If the moon did not exist, the eclipses would disappear and the nights would be much darker. The tides would also be different: smaller, almost a third of current.

But the most interesting thing would be what would happen to the planet. The presence of the Moon slows the rotation of the Earth, although on the order of a few microseconds a year.

The 5,000 million years that the planet rotates around the Sun represent a good peak: without Moon, the day would not last 24 hours, but between 6 and 8 hours.

Well of earth

Without the moon, the orientation of the Earth's axis would not remain stable and would experience chaotic variations over time. It is thanks to the Moon that the seasons have been following one another regularly for millions of years.

Mars, for example, has two tiny moons and its axis of rotation has changed by 60 ° over the last 10 million years.

The climatological consequences of a chaotic variation of the axis of rotation would make the evolution of life very difficult as it has done on the planet.


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