What you need to do to avoid measles on your way back to school


The return of boys to school is fast approaching and mothers are wondering how to avoid a hypothetical contagion of measles . It's one of the most contagious diseases even more than the Ebola that caused so much trouble a few years ago. It is caused by a virus (family paramixoviridae) transmitted by air or direct contact, ie the hands and contaminated elements. The virus enters through the airways and extends to the rest of the body.

Currently, says Dr. Cristina Freuler (MN 58098), head of the internal medicine department of the German hospital – we are in the presence of a few cases of measles. It seems that so many years with very few patients have made us forget the seriousness of this disease. In the pre-vaccine era, approved in 1963, 2.5 million people died each year. In 2016, nearly 90,000 people died, not counting those who remained with sequelae or chronic wounds. These are figures too high for a disease that could be eradicated just as it was smallpox. In the light of current knowledge, it is clear that preventing the disease is much better than suffering it.

Symptoms: The first sign is usually a high fever, about 10 to 12 days after infection, Freuler emphasizes. A rhinorrhea (runny nose), conjunctivitis and ephemeral rash add to the mouth, which then touches the face, the upper part of the neck, and extends throughout the body up to the hands and feet.

the best way to avoid it

The most important measure is the vaccine . As a rule, infants are protected against measles during the first six months of life because of the immunity imparted to them by their mother. To have the vaccines of the national calendar a day is essential: a dose of triple viral at one year of life and a dose at the entrance of the school Also, and as general rules for having a healthy environment before any illness, it is recommended to ventilate the environments of the house frequently and to disinfect the floors and 39; other surfaces, since it has been shown that the virus persists up to two hours in the environment and surfaces.

However, before the consultation, all the specialists consulted point out that this is the only proven and effective way to completely prevent the disease is the vaccine .

The vaccine Triple Viral SRP is effective. It is compulsory and must be applied to children to reach the year of life with a reinforcement of the school income:

From 12 months to 4 years : must prove A Dose of Triple viral vaccine SRP (measles) -mola-mumps)

More than 5 years, including adults: must certify TWO doses of vaccine with Double Viral SP or Triple Viral SRP after the first year of life.

the additional dose of the "National Campaign to monitor vaccination against measles and rubella " should not be forgotten.It is an application of the triple vaccine for children 1-4 years, to "consolidate the elimination" of these diseases.The campaign will take place from [1eroctobre1945au1eroctobre1945] throughout the country.All children under 5 years should be vaccinated, no matter history of previous or previous immunization

Science still can not help who became ill and that is why prevention with the vaccine is so important.

L & # 39; expert in infectious diseases Daniel Stamboulian (MN 25441) emphasized For its part, "the risk of reintroduction of measles in the country responds to three key factors: the circulation of the virus in d & # 39; 39 other parts of the world, the movement of people incomplete vaccination ".

: "It is risky to travel without being vaccinated or having had the disease in countries with outbreaks or viral circulation .The same is true of the agglomeration unvaccinated people and others who may be infected even when this happens in areas that have eliminated the virus, such as Argentina.We must not forget that in Buenos Aires we will celebrate in 2018 the Youth Olympic Games Prior to that, supporters from all the provinces will have come back to encourage the national team in Russia.Therefore, from the first cases of March and April April, we worked to make us aware of the importance of the vaccine.It is considered that a population is properly vaccinated when the coverage is at least 95%. "

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