What's behind the demand for a teacher in physical education that forces students to run "10 minutes in a row"


Can you pursue a physical education teacher who directed his students for 10 minutes? A group of mothers accuses the teacher of abuse, as they maintain that several boys fainted and vomited while running.

The episode was unleashed in Chiapas, Mexico, and quickly became viral on Facebook with angry critics against the group of mothers who raised this claim.

However, the video shows only part of the story, as the local media has documented that the fact is more serious than what was shown and that the son of the woman who reported the complaint, Alexis Alejandro, aged 14 years old, was in prison. coma and interned at Gilberto Gómez Maza Hospital.

It is estimated that several minors began to feel bad, fainted, some vomited and others stopped feeling their legs after doing physical education in high school Rafael Ramírez Castañeda, in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, in the State of Chiapas.

The school principal stated that they did not rule out that teens were intoxicated. He therefore hopes to go to toxicological tests. The school closed until the fact was clarified.

According to the mothers, the teacher generated excessive effort on the part of his students as it was an examination and he did not let them rest.

"He had them do exercises all around the field for 10 minutes, without stopping, he made an effort because he said that it was a test," said the mother. outraged in the video on Facebook.

The woman stated that the teacher in question was not afraid to keep the children warm.

Scandalous! Mom will ask a physical education teacher to walk his son for 10 minutes! At the college of Rafael Ramírez in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas. pic.twitter.com/ty7Bh5CIW7

The events took place on January 29 and physical education clbades were taught from 8:00 to 8:40, but students began to feel bad "soon".

Later, other mothers pointed out that the child "remained in a coma" and confirmed the "severity" of the symptoms of students in the third year of high school.

Rosa aided Domínguez Ochoa, head of the entity's education ministry, said she had organized a medical brigade that was going to high school to check if the facilities were presenting a type of health risk; however, until now, no irregularities have been reported.

According to Domínguez Ochoa, the Department of General Secondary Education of the Federal Under-Secretary of Education and the General Coordination of Legal Affairs and Labor will continue the investigation into this case.


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