What's behind the "mystery of the siren" of the Río de la Plata


The skeleton of the mermaid on a mattress of salt at the Faena Art Center Credit: Courtesy of Faena

"A group of archaeologists who have conducted digs on the shores of Rio de la Plata over the past week has discovered something that could change the fundamental paradigms of theories of evolution. Vicente López, while exploring the remains 17th century of Spanish origin, accidentally detected what could be the skeletal remains of a siren. "

What are these news published in recent days on the Zarpado.com trends website and on the social networks of Remix magazine?

"Art, art, art", I would say
Marta Minujín. The
false news was a "first scene" of
Salt choreography, performative action that you will perform
Osías Yanov in the
Work Art Center from 20 to 22 September.

The skeleton of the siren on the shore of Rio de la Plata
The skeleton of the siren on the shore of Rio de la Plata Credit: Courtesy of Faena

The false information sought to be viralized to improve the effect of work, as was the case with
Leandro Erlich and the disappearance of the tip of the obelisk or the
Sale sign attached to the Malba facade. The question of how much is true and how much invention in a story is related to the work of the two artists, based on
Permanent ambiguity.

"The idea was to appeal to the
false news to show how a collective myth is built through a false story ", Yanov, one of the main referents of the
performance in Argentina, which addresses the hybrid as a contemporary symbol.

"Half fish and half human, the mermaid symbolizes the current hybrid of genres, technology, and information," he added. "Even the work, which will combine performance with an open workshop and an apocalyptic scene with the opportunity to recreate new group life."

Osías Yanov repeats his performance with the skeleton of the siren
Osías Yanov repeats his performance with the skeleton of the siren Credit: Courtesy of Faena

Thus, what will be found in the Molinos room of Puerto Madero will not only be the skeleton of the supposed mermaid found next to the Rio de la Plata, but also an ocean of sea salt on which some drawings will be distinguished. And a dozen performers with interconnected semi-transparent costumes, whose movements are based on these traces of salt and will in turn inspire those who want to participate in the workshop to "open to new experiences body. "

"The meaning of the siren has changed since the Greeks but it is present in many traditions as a symbol of a pbadage between two states, both of the psyche and the existence," stressed the conservative American Zoe Lukov.
false news it worked in this case to reactivate our concepts of mythology, reality and potential, and to point to a hybrid future between the digital and the physical. "

Osías Yanov repeats his performance with the skeleton of the siren
Osías Yanov repeats his performance with the skeleton of the siren Credit: Courtesy of Faena

The idea of ​​pbadage also inspired the
performance performed by Yanov last May, as part of the Biennale of Performance. On the sidewalk of Corrientes in 1980, where the legendary stage space of Ave Porco operated until December 1999 and where there is today a supermarket, sought to "open a portal between the contemporary scene and the 90s "with situations that functioned as" fragments ". of reinterpreted memory ".

These days participate in addition to the sample
Fast forward, in the Nora Fisch Gallery. He finds there a work of the artist who is no longer armed since 2012 and which marks a turning point in his career. According to the gallerist, it was also "one of the first signs of the sequel
performance that has taken place in Argentina in recent years, with the creation of the
Biennial performance and the multiplication of
Experiences in museums and galleries. "

Performance test with the siren's skeleton
Performance test with the siren's skeleton Credit: Courtesy of Faena

Yanov's program, born in Buenos Aires in 1980, includes the prestigious Kuitca scholarship of Torcuato Di Tella University; representations in Malba and arteBA; a residency at Gasworks, London, and samples in several countries. His works have already earned a place in collections of important institutions, such as the Museum of Modern Art of Buenos Aires, Reina Sofía of Madrid and the Lacma of Los Angeles.

To program:

Salt choreography, from Osías Yanov, from September 20 to 22 at the Faena Art Center (Aimé Painé 1169), free entry. To register for the workshop:



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