WhatsApp error that can consume data in minutes | Cuyo Newspaper


It seems like a new bug is affecting the WhatsApp platform. This time, the problem arises when archiving conversations, when not only the most recent chats are saved, but also the oldest conversations and, therefore, already present in the backup copy.

One of the most interesting options offered by WhatsApp is precisely the ability to make a backup copy of the discussions, photos and videos shared in the application. Naturally, this operation involves a considerable consumption of data traffic, which however depends on the use that each user makes of the application.

Therefore, this new problem may involve a significant occupation of memory space, as well as a large volume of data traffic during loading . If the operation is carried out under the cover of a Wi-Fi network, the only problem is the time required to complete the data download, while if the action is performed with the data connection it could even consume all available traffic.

The problem has been reported by some users. When storing their WhatsApp conversations in Google Drive, they found that instead of the usual 60MB, the data download exceeded 5GB. The problem seems to be due to a programming error, present in the current version of WhatsApp, for Android and iOS.

In addition, some users also reported that often, when trying to perform the backup, the operation is interrupted without reason. When it is reactivated, the increase starts over from scratch and the amount of data ends up duplicating, resulting in space and traffic problems.

Up to now, it is unclear what is the problem that is causing this situation and WhatsApp has not provided any official indication. The advice, obviously, is to back up the conversations completely manually and, therefore, to run it only under a Wi-Fi network so as not to experience sudden drops in available data traffic.

(Source The Vanguardia)

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