WhatsApp lost the crown? Snapchat is the new king in the app stores


Mobile app stores, both in Google and Apple, are generally dominated by WhatsApp. However, in May, the throne changed hands: Snapchat took the crown of Facebook's messenger, being the most downloaded free app on these platforms throughout the month.

Why was an application that seemed destined for oblivion rekindled with such strength dethrone a heavyweight? Ironically, one of the culprits in this raid on the application board is a service from the very owner of WhatsApp.

Filters to feed

In recent weeks, many Instagram stories have appeared filters that come from the ghost messenger. Do users of this social network seek more effects for their stories and look for them in other applications?

Apparently, this is the main explanation for Snapchat's growth: the big variety of filters for images, which are not found in the Facebook application.

In fact, these weeks were viral content that used effects provided by Snapchat, mainly the filters that convert the user into a baby or that serve to "disguise" a man or a woman.

Is it a huge challenge for Instagram, WhatsApp and other services of Mark Zuckerberg's company? We do not think so: just add more filters and, if so, This will not be the first time you copy your competitor who, in fact, "is inspired" for Instagram Stories.


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