WhatsApp: pretend to have found the solution to block videos with "groans" | applications | social networks | trends


WhatsApp is without a doubt one of the most used applications a day, because in one way or another you need to talk to someone, for the sake of # 39; friendship or for work, however, using the application without prevention, it may be against the way to fall in videos with an unpleasant sound.

This does not have a fixed time of arrival, as this can happen to you during a work meeting, in public transport or even in the comfort of your home. This so-called " wail " of WhatsApp became so viral, it is very difficult to find anyone who has not gone through this shameful moment.

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This is both its use, in different situations, which has become a habit for all who want to make jokes to their contacts. Just send a video with the excuse that it opens with sound and you make a bad experience in your environment.

However, this could change, thanks to a novelty that brings the application This has been published in the last hours by Twitter, because several users have started to share a so-called video tutorial on how to block the application [19659002] any record that contains this audio.

But calm, that it was nothing more than one of the video tutorials that become viral with the hours, because when you play, you get a nasty surprise , because it is not something else, that the same moans .

Many users thought they were putting an end to this nightmare, however, they were victims of the cruel joke. Many of them showed their annoyance for what they did on behalf of Twitter .

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