WhatsApp will activate a tool to detect suspicious messages


Photo: Captura

(Caracas, July 6. News24) .- WhatsApp is working on a new tool to combat the spread of cheating and phishing on the web . ] The feature is called Detention of Suspicious Links and, as its name indicates, it is responsible for identifying any links that could redirect to fake sites or that have been created to orchestrate cheats or steal data. personal.

automatically messages that arrive with links and scan them to identify if there is anything suspicious. In the event that something suspicious is identified, the message will be marked with a red sign .

Upon receipt of this alert, the user will decide if he wants, despite the warning, to open the link in question or if you prefer to pbad.

And the privacy of the user? Does this mean that the platform will read messages from all users? Although this is not clarified in the text, it is mentioned that the badysis of the links will be done locally, that is, in the application and the data will only be not sent to WhatsApp's servers . 19659004]
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