WhatsApp will suspend accounts that send too many messages


Although for many, this is a way to keep in touch with family, friends or colleagues who are studying or working, the truth is that many people use WhatsApp as a business. And others seek customers in ways not accepted by the platform: with spam.

For this reason, the application always tries delete bulk or automated mailings in the serviceand informed that, as of December 7 of this year, they could block, for a definite or indefinite period, those who violate its terms of use.

"If you do not comply with our" Terms "or" Rules ", we may take action on your account, including your exclusion or suspension, in which case you may not create another account without our permission," they said. warned of society. These measures will also be applied in the application "WhatsApp Business", business oriented.

The company could take legal measures against users or companies that do not comply with the regulations of the platform. "We will only do it when we have evidence of abuse," they explained.

Although the measure addresses businesses that use WhatsApp to send spam, the chat service could also penalize people who simply do not make a "personal use" of the platform.

For now, when detecting this type of activity, service managers proceed to account suspension. But faced with repeated abuses, the blockade could be permanent.

A spokesman for the company said TechCrunch that WhatsApp was designed for private messages and that in view of this, they took "comprehensive measures to avoid sending mbadive messages and impose limits on how accounts can be used". He added that every month they identify and block about 2 million accounts that violate the terms of use.


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