When a cyclist crashed a car that invaded the cycle path in Querétaro


The act of the delivery girl Didi Food sparked controversy (Video: Twitter / thementalistmxq)

There is no doubt that in Mexico driver education is necessary. An example is that to get out of traffic jams, it is common to see motorists invade exclusive channels, both for public transport and for cyclists.

The above happened on July 2 in the historic center of the City of Querétaro, where are youA vehicle invaded a cycle lane during a demonstration, precisely, cyclists, who demanded safe spaces to circulate.

This generated anger demonstrators, who shouted at the driver to demand: “It’s the cycle path, you don’t understand!”. However, a food delivery woman decided to act more recklessly by pass over said car with your bike.

A motorist invades the cycle path in the city of Querétaro (Photo: Twitter / karememontes)
A motorist invades the cycle path in the city of Querétaro (Photo: Twitter / karememontes)

The moment was recorded from another car; witness broadcast it on social networks and it went viral this Saturday. In the description of the original content it is written: “If you want respect, respect the number of motorists in Mexico and around the world who pray.”

The 28-second video clip caused controversy among Internet users. Some have pointed out that the cyclist should have called on the authorities to take action in the matter, but others they applauded his act, because they claim to have protested peacefully for a long time without result.

“No, although it seems ‘right’ you cannot make one offense visible by committing another, and not only did it run over the car, its intention was to harm private property,” “Well, are you going to try and see who can do more?”, “Don’t do that, better with an indelible marker write ‘This car does not respect the cycle path'”, “Well done, and what a pity that the other cyclists did not do the same”, were some comments to this subject.

The cyclists took to the streets of the historic center of the capital (Photo: Twitter / merida7776)
The cyclists took to the streets of the historic center of the capital (Photo: Twitter / merida7776)

On June 30, the Union of cycling associations of Querétaro (UCIQ) requested the support of state authorities so that road accident deaths do not repeat themselves during a walk on Avenida Constituyentes.

José Antonio Moran, member of the UCIQ, urged the authorities to collaborate to make known a culture of the road, because pedestrians and cyclists are the most vulnerable to accidents.

“When there is a lack of road culture, when there is little signaled infrastructure, little is seen, and there is a law of omission where the terms of speed, recklessness, respect for traffic laws are not sufficiently sanctioned, we fall into chaos. “

“The regulations for those who run over cyclists must be enforced”Moran added.

(Photo: Twitter / merida7776)
(Photo: Twitter / merida7776)

So far in 2021, a total of 43 accidents have been recorded, in which cyclists and vehicle drivers were involved; three of them died.

As if that wasn’t enough, despite the organized march, a member has been crushed by a Qrobus system unit on Constituents Avenue that same night.

In this regard, the Secretary for Mobility of the capital, Saul Obregon, pointed out that the municipality has invested 10 million 720 thousand 867 pesos in the installation of more than 8 thousand signs, more than 43 million pesos in rehabilitation of 80,821 square meters of cycle paths.

Regarding the deaths of the crashed cyclists, he regretted the events and stressed that society is an important part of road culture, where respect is for all.


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