When are the next holidays | There is only one left in the …


After the holidays of December 7 and 8, the first for tourist purposes and the second in commemoration of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, 2020 has only the feast of Christmas, the next Friday December 25.

the Immaculate Conception Day, which we remember this Tuesday December 8, was first celebrated in Spain in 1644 and declared a public holiday in the world in 1854 by Pope Pius IX.

With him tourist stay on Monday December 7, the country has had the first long weekend activated for tourism since the covid-19 pandemic reached Argentina.

According to the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Nation, more than 530,000 Argentines were mobilized in different regions of the country, Mar del Plata, Villa Gesell, Pinamar, the Partido de la Costa and Monte Hermoso being the most chosen places.

The next and last public holiday of the year will be Friday December 25, for the Christmas party. The 2021 holidays, meanwhile, have already been formalized by the national government on the official website.

The same rules apply to public holidays which apply to Sunday rest. In case of work, the employer must pay 100% more than the usual remuneration.


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