When does the Russian Sputnik vaccine arrive? | Declaration…


Although he said that same Monday he communicated early with his second, Carla Vizzotti, and that Angat officials who are in Moscow are already sending information, the Minister of Health, Ginés González García, avoided confirming whether the Russian vaccine Sputnik V it will arrive in time to be applied to 300,000 people before the end of the year, as announced by President Alberto Fernández.

“I can’t say it because we are doing everything we said, but unfortunately there are difficult variables such as difficulties with airplanes. It is not something simple, but we want to do it. and that is the political will of the president, ”the minister said.

He said Vizzotti and officials are visiting factories where the “hard core” of the vaccine is produced, which is in Russia. Then this is sent to other laboratories where the millions of vaccines that will arrive in the country will be finished. He was optimistic about the effectiveness of Sputnik, but could not say when it will begin to apply.

“What I can assure you is that the vaccines that arrive will be distributed with absolute equity according to the needs of each province, as we have done from day one,” said the Minister of Health.


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