"When I looked at the well, I heard my son crying," the story of Julen's mother


The mother of Julen, the little boy who died after falling in a well in Spain, told the Civil Guard the day of the tragedy.

Victoria Garcia said that she was talking to her boss, the director of McDonald's shopping center Rincón de la Victoria, to let her know that she was not going to work that day. there, because she felt bad and that at that time, the child was taken care of by the father.

The woman explained that in pbading this call, she had seen everyone running towards the well.

"When I looked at the mouth of the well, I heard my son crying and I saw my partner removing the pebbles and sand so that they would not fall in. J & # 39; I stopped listening to him crying and I started screaming, desperate, "he said.

The sources of the investigation claimed that the well was illegal and that it had been opened on December 18th. It was for a job that was going to be done in the area.

Julen's father also recounted how the moments leading up to the tragedy were: "I threw branches into the fire and saw my son running in a ditch towards the corner where the well was." but I did not arrive and saw how he fell into the well. "

Julen's father's cousin also provided information and said: "I was about two and a half meters from Julen, when suddenly Julen disappeared, I rushed to look, I saw the Well hole and I heard the sound of the child falling. "Julen's father was nearby and he also saw how he was falling into the well."

The Civil Guard is investigating the details and is looking into whether the owner of the farm and the one who dug the well could be liable for an indecent homicide crime.


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