When is a UFO an extraterrestrial spaceship? | Chronic


By Bibiana Bryson
[email protected]

Universally, the problematic of the so-called "UFO phenomenon" It is appropriate for these observations of flying devices that can not be identified with the naked eye and which, badyzed with greater rigor, do not configure any known element of the man.

That they are built by the technology created by the men themselves or by known problems (Moteoros, etc.), but that do not configure the arrival of an alien spaceship, d & # 39; 39, unknown origin, inhabited or not by beings from other worlds

Other relevant element in order to search for the truth, especially in the face of an investigation to badyze what its acronym in English is known as the unidentified flying object (UFO).

The term "UFO"

Not a few controversies have triggered the use of the UFO name to name what is called a "plane". And even more controversial was the qualification of "extraterrestrial" which has been awarded. But in truth, this name has become so widespread that, tacitly, it is interpreted as such, despite its peculiar meaning of "Unidentified flying object".

For this reason and in the badysis of this question, certain questions must be specified, namely: OBJECT: "equipment". FLYER: refers to that "steal". UNIDENTIFIED: it's something, "unknown" or "unknown". This is to say that it is an unidentifiable problem, and that it is the key problem to badyze.

Unidentified … by whom?

In any case, the witness is taken as a reference with knowledge common to that of society, be it machines, objects or flying devices built by man, with the exception of those that are unusual and that were invented. Unidentifiable to what? Precisely with what we know.

Yes, it identifies planes, helicopters, ferries, missiles, rockets (fireworks, turbines and retro-propulsive combustions), gliders, flying wings, parachutes, kites, balloons, balloons, airships.

In another order, phenomena such as meteorites, debris, or artifacts from the terrestrial space falling in incandescent form on the surface of the Earth appear.

What other "reasons" do you frame?

Unidentified flying objects meet this definition for three points to consider:

at) The logical reasoning according to which the unusual (intelligent) aerial maneuvers that they carry out escape all the physical laws known from the science until today.

b) Because you do not see any aerodynamic lift structure, any known propulsion means, or flight management system.

c) Because it is quite unusual, both by its light and its effects. Can they be the product of a sophisticated secret technology of a world power? Absolutely not. First, because it had been secret, it would have stopped before the millions of observations made for decades. Something illogical and that would not be justified in any case. Secondly, because this technology would have radically changed the current and relatively obsolete means of global air navigation.

What is extracted from the testimonials?

In large numbers "Contacts" or UFO sightings, it could be reliably established that these objects are unknown ships. Thousands of witnesses watched them a few meters away, flying over, hanging low or in hostels.

Others, in addition, have visualized their strange crew descending or incursionar in its neighborhood. Even many have been embarked involuntarily by these beings.

In addition, there are thousands of cases in which various effects of these enigmatic ships have been found. There is more than enough documentation in the world.

This leads to a conclusion: the term categorically groups enough elements of valid judgment to be accepted as such. "extraterrestrial plane"for all the above and because, obviously, to reach a company of this size from another place in the universe, it is necessary to resort to a similar ultra-aerospace technology. That's why you can say that "UFOs are planes of unknown origin that deserve a systematic search through an appropriate scientific methodology". And it is the ovnilogy that must consolidate this treatment and lead the investigations.

How to investigate?

If research is to be developed in the field of science, it must be carried out using methodologies, techniques and instruments of scientific disciplines.

This should come from questions or problems formulated in the interpretation of accumulated data: evidence and testimony. From there will be born what is called "Research project" in which will be determined the methodology, techniques and instruments necessary for this purpose.

Without everything you will not know "what to look for" nor will it serve what is studied. In addition, specific badyzes and experiments will be necessary. Moreover, it is obvious that UFOs and witnesses are two inseparable elements. If there is one missing, the case does not exist. Without a UFO, there will be no witnesses, and without witnesses, there will be no case. And just when the ship is under investigation, the witness must also be investigated, because he may be deceived, or it may be the one who wants to cheat.


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