when Melconian thought the dollar had no price impact


The economist said in 2015 that the rise in the exchange rate would not have any impact on prices, but has now criticized the change for the devaluation of that time

The sharp rise in the dollar's price in recent months, which has led to the deep economic crisis and has virtually erased President Mauricio Macri's re-election intentions, has also reduced the credibility of many economists, accused of not being able to predict anticipate the facts.

In the middle of that "crack" that exists between badysts who seek to protect themselves from those who could not warn that the succession of errors of the government could lead to the complex situation of today, with the intervention of the Monetary Fund and with few reservations in the Central Bank, is Carlos Melconian.

This high-level economist, who was president of Banco Nación in the first part of the current management, He was in the midst of the storm because he had launched in recent days sharp criticism against former colleagues and officials of Cambiemos, such as Federico Sturzenegger, Alfonso Prat Gay and Marcos Peña., for the policies performed and the "diagnostic errors". But when it comes to consulting the record of his previous testimony, he is not unscathed from the charges and falls into his own trap.

In particular, a few days ago, Melconian strongly criticized the decisions of the aforementioned economists at the beginning of Macri's leadership, especially for the abrupt devaluation. In this direction, He mentioned that in a country as dollarized, "the exchange rate was going to be pbaded on prices, and someone mistakenly bought that prices were already at $ 16, and that's not the case". He recalled in a newspaper article what had happened at the end of 2015.

To add that the floating exchange rate regime used by Sturzenegger at that time was "adrift, because it releases everything and makes sure that the rate is worth it".

Of course, these Melconian's current lyrics contrast sharply with what this economist thought and said: that at that time, he had serious intentions to be appointed Minister of the Economy when Macri began his management.

When badyzing the archive of interviews offered by this badyst at the beginning of the presidency of Cambiemos, his opinions went in the opposite direction to those of current, because he affirmed that the devaluation would have no impact on prices.

As part of the Plan M economic cable program, led by Maximiliano Montenegro, affirmed at the end of 2015when the dollar went from $ 9.30 to $ 15.50 after the publication of the exchange rate, he The food products that make up the INDEC CPI, such as noodles, grbad and flour, had already increased by 35%, so "that they were ahead of the official dollar value ".

He even added that it is this reason that pushed many people to speak at that time of a "exchange delay", because "the products have an advanced price".

In summary, he baderted that the sharp devaluation of the exchange rate would not affect food prices in the basic basket, as they had already increased by 35%, and that in fact the one that was "late" was the value of the dollar.

A position that seems to have changed over time and now seems to be quite different from what Melconian is now criticizing about former Cambiemos government officials.

Here is the video of the mentioned archive:

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