"When people love their own thieves", the harsh analysis of the Spanish press on Argentina


The Spanish press painted a rough picture of the results of the primary elections and the political and economic crisis that followed. Prestigious newspapers of the European country as The world and The country they talked about "people who love their own thieves" and of "abyss" in Argentina after the formula presided over by Alberto Fernandez to be imposed by more than 15 points before Mauricio Macri, and later devaluation weight

The harsh criticism of the Spanish press is manifested mainly by the large number of causes of corruption weighing on former Kirchner officials. In the case of the former president Cristina Kirchner, Formula companion of Fernandez, is treaty in 13 cases, with five elevations at the oral trial. He is currently facing a process in favor of corruption in public works in Santa Cruz.

"Argentina is a disaster of bad politics"

One of the most acidic badyzes of the victory of Kirchnerism in fact Francisco Rosell, director of The world. "Argentina, a resource-rich country, delivered a sickle to a Peronism that worked on a client system and corrupted that not only the pitifully depauper, but he has made her so solipsist that she has not noticed the nature and severity of her ills, "he warns, and considers that the Argentine people are the only one of those who "even worship their idolatry against their thieves".

The author of the opinion column notes that Argentina "It's a disaster of bad politics" and characterizes the political and economic crisis with the works of the Mexican intellectual Gabriel Zaid, who speaks of "truth by affiliation". "Translated into ideological parameters, that supposes" I am right in declaring myself as left-handed, instead of being right. "This gives rise to complete and indulgent ideological mbades towards the corrupt," did he declares.

The harsh badysis of the director of
The badysis of the director of the film "El Mundo" on the situation in Argentina (photo: El Mundo capture).

Indicates that Argentines "have badumed" There were many cases of corruption during Kichnerism, but the K formula was still imposed. insecurity, feeling of crisis, feeling of recession, feeling of uncertainty, judged by his latrocinios, (Cristina Kirchner) returns to public life after leaving Casa Rosada by the back door four years later, "he said.

Rosell also questions Macri, who said that "it can be swallowed by the gigantic wave that the electoral tsunami unleashed" by the big difference in votes enjoyed by Fernández and that he called for this situation . "populist" measures to try to get support at the polls and stay in power. Reference is made to the series of initiatives that the President has launched in a move for the middle and lower clbades affected by the economic crisis.

"Paradoxically, at the time of the farewells, (Macri) tries to stop against the clock with clearly peronistic cutting measures that would negate their liberal trajectory, which would confirm the widespread impression that all Argentine parties are, in essence, Peronists. In the fight that he is fighting for political survival Macri light the chimney of election expenses fire with the weights of the state budget. In his agony, he clarified the populist temptation by selling his soul to the devil and we already know how he makes pay his gambling debts, "he warns.


Federico Rivas Molina, of The country, speaks of "a week before the abyss in Argentina" for the dollar blow and the resignation of the Minister of Finance Nicolas Dujovne, less than seven days after the sharp setback suffered by the government at the OSP. He also characterizes Macri as president "power drain it must defeat in the generals of October 27 a defeat of more than 15 points before the Peronist Alberto Fernández, the new strongman of Argentina ".

In a summary of the difficult situation in Argentina, which worsens after the main ones, he says: "The certain possibility of a return of Kirchnerism has plunged the country into a serious economic crisis that this Saturday made its first direct victim, the Minister of Finance Nicolás Dujovne The peso lost between Friday and last Wednesday up to 30% of its value, the stock market has fallen and inflation has soared. "

In another article, he also warned that "the Argentines are triggering the alarm of another terminal crisis" and that they "feel the imminence" of an economic debacle on their skin. "It's an almost imperceptible sensation, a discomfort that runs through the body and suggests that something is not right after the calm of a given day," he says.

The journalist thinks there is a "political blockade between a powerless president and a winner who must validate his title in October ", which states that" complicates things still. "In this context, he says:" What are the Argentines in the face of the disaster? What they have always done: endure. "

In turn, he explains that due to inflation and devaluation, savings opportunities are becoming increasingly limited. "The daily life of Argentines is far more than the concern of buying dollars before the price against the peso continues to rise." As the children sing, no one has a handle and there is little room to save If you are a simple employee. There were also no long queues for banks to withdraw money, perhaps for fear of further harm, "he says.


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