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Chaired by Emmanuel Macron, this new G7 summit composed of United States, Canada, Great Britain, Japan, France, Germany and Italy, will meet in Biarritz from 24 to 26 August. An impressive security device (13,200 police and gendarmes) will block the resort in the middle of the holiday season to prevent the counter-demonstration from occurring.

The badociations and NGOs of the feedback reacted to the official theme of the G7 denouncing the "cynicism against all evidence" of Emmanuel Macron and the attitude of the seven "firefighters firefighters". Cécile Duflot, executive director of Oxfam France, said: "I see an ideological victory for all those who for years have had a different vision of the world than that imposed by Western heads of state.A G7 on inequality would have was unimaginable fifteen years ago.But the question is not just using the words, we must implement the solutions we have been proposing for years. "

On Wednesday 21st, the protest and mobilization days begin, organized by the G7 Ez (G7 No) and Alternatives G7 platforms, which include the "No to trade and investment treaties and ecologists" campaigns. in action". Under the motto "Defend Our Alternatives," the counter-summit, which begins today and ends on August 23, will host social groups, organizations and unions around the world. Its goal, in the words of Cuca Hernández, spokesman for Attac Madrid, is "to reveal this false rhetoric and to create an international network to build real alternatives to a system that does not respect life in any form and which leads us to the end. today's human societies and a mbadive extinction of species. "


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Released about twenty kilometers from Biarritz by the security zone, the camp that welcomes participants is located in a former holiday center and managed in a participatory manner. Facing the ultra-secure device and the sharp communication of the official summit, its alternative variant focuses on a festive atmosphere with concerts and film screenings at night and a reflection day with conferences and round tables. The French trade unionists of the South or the CGT, but also representatives of Insumisa France, the Greens or the PCF must join the debates on the theme "End of the world, end of the month, same fight" or on the feminism in response to the ecological crisis. and social

The program will feature over seventy conferences, workshops and cultural activities around the central themes of the struggles in the counter-summit: capitalism and the excessive power of multinationals, global destruction, patriarchy, respect for diversity and freedom of peoples, the deficit of democracy, "neo-imperialist" wars, international solidarity and the abolition of borders. The counter-summit will end with a demonstration on 24 August and civil disobedience actions on 25 August.

It is expected that some 12,000 people manifest and take part in the debates taking place in Hendaye and Irun, communes located on both sides of the Franco-Spanish border. "This year, the counter summit of the G7 is ambitious, we have not done that for a long time," confirms Aurélie Trouvé, spokesman for Attac France and Alternatives G7. 2019 was a militant year in France, with yellow vests and events for the weather. These movements are with us today. "

The election of the summit of heads of state in Biarritz also opened unexpected prospects for the organizers. The Basque Country is one of the French regions where badociations offering alternatives are the most dynamic, Alternatiba or Bizi lobbying for social and climate justice, through direct actions and establishing other operational logics at the local level. Under his leadership, Eusko became the most important local currency of Europe and, in 2005, a second chamber of agriculture focused on organic agriculture, permaculture and small-scale agriculture was born. "What were they thinking of imposing a G7 in the Basque Country, a land with an old tradition of militant struggle? "Laurent Thieulle, a member of the local group Attac, interviewed by France Info radio last Friday.

"Before the bunkérisé world represented in Biarritz, which excludes the NGOs and the inhabitants of their city, we want to propose a functioning of the world more harmonious, based on the respect of the humans right and focused on the climatic urgencies and the social justice, "confirms Aurélie Trouvé, from Attac France to the newspaper Libération.

The organizers of the counter-summit prepare actions of civil disobedience on Sunday 25 by means of peaceful demonstrations to denounce the privatization of the public space and the questioning of the fundamental freedoms during the G7.
In this context, all signatories have agreed that none of the events organized by the platform will be used to develop a strategy of violent confrontation with the authorities.

Although this event is presented as resolutely peaceful, many observers fear violent clashes next week-end if the appearance of the The "black blocks", the same ones that burst in the middle of the mobilizations of the yellow vests at the beginning of the year on the Champs-Elysées and in other cities of France.


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