when the lie is the truth


Mauricio Macri whose electoral campaign was based on the promise to fight for the unity of Argentines, poverty 0 and for an independent justice, in 2015, 5 days after taking the presidency, he appointed 2 judges of the Supreme Court! of justice by decree! He was criticized by the entire political and academic arc, including Miguel Angel Pichetto himself – years later his ally – who called the event “nonsense”.

The prisons are full of poor people, 6 out of 10 inmates have no firm conviction. The causes of corruption take an average of 14 years. Slow Justice is unjust justice. If there is one power that needs a strong change, a major global reform, it is the judiciary.

On the sidelines, among other licenses, it is the only power that has not agreed to comply with the Micaela law, which establishes mandatory training on gender and gender violence for all persons exercising public functions.

The president of the nation Alberto FernandezIn February 2020, he expressed on the social network twitter: “In recent years, the lawfare has been installed in Argentina. Then, I questioned the judicial and media competence with the political power that made possible the arbitrary persecution and detention of opponents. Never again to a justice which decides and persecutes according to the political winds ”.

To follow that line is not ineffective justice, but precisely, delaying certain sentences and entangling and hastening others is part of the dynamic of deliberate functioning.

The use of the law as a weapon of war eventually becomes naturalized and we no longer know who is good and who is bad.

Elisa Carrió is publicly recognized for having presented judicial and media complaints, but far from taking over the role in the imagination of some of the “public prosecutors” and supporting their presentations before the judiciary with solid evidence, much, much of their complaints were dismissed or archived due to lack of evidence. And even in some cases, he has had to apologize publicly to make up for the damage caused by his statements. A few months ago, he even denounced that the covid vaccine was poisoning.

We are passing through a stage in history where the appearance of the truth may be worth more than the truth itself. He is committed to arouse emotions, euphemisms and to generate a climate where the difference with the adversary does not lie in the political project that is promoted, but of a moral character or honesty. Taking the field debate of those who wear the costume of honesty and designate everyone as dishonest. And under this umbrella, anything goes.

And that’s how it was and that’s how the vicious circle began to roll in which politics is judicialized and justice is politicized. And many media outlets actively participate in this process by falsifying the evidence available to people to form an opinion. Added to this are social networks and chats where fake news circulates over and over again, made for well-established purposes.

Without going too far, the city’s head of government has just complied with a decision that coincided with his point of view, challenging a presidential decision, but when another decision by a higher body contradicted him, he did not did not comply. But the news was not that he had violated a court order, but that he had fought for the open school, even when in reality the debate was whether the lessons would be virtual or face to face. , not whether to open or close the door of an educational institution. This conflict was accompanied by public appeals disseminated in the media by mothers and fathers to embrace schools, and Whastapp’s slogans against “barbarism”.

Lawfare generally thrives best on soil filled with hate. The key to getting out of this labyrinth is to operate within the current rules of the game: the division of powers, freedom of speech and democratic elections. And all responsible.

He who wins reigns. The one who loses control, accompanies and prepares to be an alternative. It doesn’t confuse or embarrass because the whole system is supposed to have been put in place to improve people’s lives, not to benefit one politician or another. Justice ignores politics, it applies the law, no matter who is responsible for it. And the media, even with editorial lines, inform, contextualize, question, investigate, but do not mark the path or condemn, they help to make democratic debate richer and more transparent.

If everyone fulfills their role faithful to the Constitution and all democratic rules, then we can move forward as a country because the institutions and their actors play within the council.

Corruption undoubtedly also kills the hurricanes of baseless denunciations for “breach of the duties of the civil service”, promoted by the opponents after losing the elections, with the sole aim of conditioning the exercise of power, of exacerbating the popular minds and crush guarantees.

* National deputy Frente de Todos.


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