When the light comes back, Father's Day in restaurants and shops bounces


The mbadive blackout on Sunday provoked headaches in the city's shops and restaurants. This is not just another date, but it is celebrated on Father's Day and in advance, there were expectations for sales. As the power cut began at 7 pm and continued until noon, business activity declined during the first few hours. However, with over 50% of electricity restored in our area, there was a rebound around noon and a relief for the area.

In this situation, restaurants and bakeries opened their doors and worked in the dark. This was the case of a local traditional 7 and 49, where the most loyal customers gave in from the beginning, although inadvertently, the power cut has caused the emptiness of some tables. It was expected that the restoration of light would resume the activity planned for Father's Day.

Another unique postcard this morning was about supermarkets, which greeted the public with gondolas and refrigerators in the dark, fearing that the shortage of electricity would only expand further and would complicate the preservation of some products. The blackout therefore occurred in the Super 7 and 57, where workers and customers had to use light from a cell phone to identify the merchandise, its details and its prices.

Meanwhile, between 48 and 18 years old between 48 and 17 years old, an important religious office whose only lighting was lighting candles, another postcard of the unusual power outage that extended to everything the country and even spread over Uruguay and the regions of Paraguay, Bolivia, Chile and southern Brazil.


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