When the right is running out of cards | It deflates …


From Caracas

The United States has convened for the third time since January a meeting of the United Nations Security Council to deal with the Venezuelan issue. His goal this time was to have Juan Guaidó recognized as interim president of the country. Mike Pence, US Vice President, spoke of the following goal: "The time has come for the United Nations to recognize Guaidó as the legitimate president of Venezuela and to serve as its representative."

The diagnosis on which he based his request was the recognition of the National Assembly as the only legitimate institution and Guaidó as president until new elections. With that, he traced the narrative that the United States seeks to substantiate to justify its new attacks: "Venezuela is a bankrupt state, as history shows, failed states have not of limits: terrorists, drug traffickers and even Hezbollah are taking advantage to settle there. "Both arguments were known.

Just as it was expected to be the position of the United States, other government decisions also seemed to be defined as in previous meetings. This was the case of the Russian Federation, which, through its ambbadador to the Council, Vasily Nebenzia, objected to "the interference of the United States in d & # 39; other states, "denounced the attacks on the economy, the theft Venezuela is executed in different ways and the American cynicism" because they are seized by sanctions, but speak at the same time of an international badistance ( …) The political situation can only be solved by a national dialogue, but Guaidó does not, he is ready to do so because he has not received instructions to do so, "he said.

The Government of the People's Republic of China has also called for a dialogue between the parties: "China opposes any military intervention in Venezuela and the use of humanitarian aid for political purposes The unilateral sanctions will only worsen the daily life of the population and will not allow peace in the country, "said Ambbadador Ma Zhaoxu.

Several countries sharing a common position, such as France, Germany and the United Kingdom, which ratified the recognition of Guaidó as president in charge and affirmed that "as president by interim, fully respecting the Constitution, could organize free and transparent elections ". A solution to the image of the international contact group, with Maduro 's ignorance and a resolution designed from the outside.

Venezuela, in the voice of Ambbadador Samuel Moncada, denounced the attack designed and applied by the United States, with "deliberate economic destruction, aggression with the use of financial instruments , undue pressure, use of dominant market position ". The solution, he said, "should not be interventionism or donations of criminals or donor conferences concealing the looting, but rather a return of money, the lifting of the blockade, the cessation of sabotage of our infrastructure, the cessation of the threat of military intervention. "

The final result was the one that was predictable: similar to the previous two meetings, with no agreement possible, with blocks aligned on the same positions. The meeting convened by the United States seems to have the objective of keeping the issue on the agenda of the international community, to deepen the narrative about the humanitarian crisis and the failure of the state. It was not possible to arrive at the result obtained Tuesday at the Organization of American States (OAS), where, by 18 votes, that sent by Guaidó was recognized in place of the representative of Venezuela. A "pyrrhic" victory that undermines the institutionality of the OAS, as described by the Chancellor of Mexico, Jorge Lomónaco.

During the day, as the Security Council was developing, the Venezuelan right had called for the second day of "Operation Freedom", with protest points in different parts of the capital and country . The result was a new confirmation of the tendency to diminish the opposition's ability to draw attention to Guaidó's figure, the impossibility of creating an expectation that would excite the opposition population. The message entered the crisis zone, particularly because of the distance between what had been promised and the translation into concrete facts.

Next steps in the North American agenda are Mike Pompeo's Sunday visit to Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Colombia, including the border town of Cucuta. Pompeo, who repeated yesterday that "the Maduro regime represents a threat to the United States", will seek agreements on the order of economic sanctions and diplomatic isolation. The possibility of an exit by the intervention is out of reach by all US allies.

This is the case in Spain, where Elliot Abrams met Wednesday with representatives of the executive, such as José Manuel Albares, diplomatic adviser of the government, and Juan Pablo de Laiglesia, secretary of the international cooperation of the l & # 39; 39, the Spanish State, which stressed "the need for a democratic exit to the very serious crisis that the country is going through" and that "the current situation in the Caribbean country requires a political, peaceful and democratic solution that categorically excludes the use of force ".

In this context of difficulty of the coup strategy to find progress, the Government of Venezuela has publicly affirmed its work of cooperation during a meeting with the International Committee of the Red Cross. Its chairman, Peter Maurer, has indicated his willingness to advance in joint work, in the perspective of an apolitical, neutral aid plan, without going into the definition of the character or not of the " humanitarian crisis "in the country. The priority areas will be Caracas, the border with Colombia and the state of Bolívar, on the border with Brazil.

The joint work between the government and the Red Cross is important because of two central dimensions: the first, which is to provide answers to the country's difficulties, as was done in cooperation with the Government of China, which, March 29, a shipment of 65 tons of drugs in the country. Second, because it removes a letter from the right-wing narrative that the government would block all types of social badistance. And the problem of the right is their lack of letters three months after Maduro's new term they no longer recognize as president. They seem to have missed movements to give. That's why Pompeo, Abrams and Pence have taken the lead.


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