When the world gets complicated, funds come from countries at risk


Spotorno attributed, among other causes, "The market expects every time with more opportunities as the US goes into recession". On this point, he argued that "Disturbing numbers" in the economy Donald Trump administration.

"Then the funds say," If the world gets complicated, we will not be in the emerging, riskier countries ", he added in the statements to TN signal.

Emerging markets in the region sunk on Friday in the midst of a wave of risk aversion, after weak economic data were known in Europe and the United States, which fueled fears of a slowdown in global growth.

In our country, the dollar rose 2% (84 cents) to $ 42.86in the agencies and banks of the city of Buenos Aires, according to the average of ámbito.com, in a wheel where the international nervousness has infected the development of the operations on the local market, stimulating the dollarization of the portfolios.

This occurred in parallel with the single and free foreign exchange market (MULC), where the currency rose 1.8% to $ 41.80.

The local place accompanied the countries of the region, which devalued their currencies. In Brazil, the dollar rose 2.6%, Mexico 1.3% and Chile 1.8%..

The director of the Orlando Ferreres & Asociados Center for Economic Studies also badyzed that "Until April or May, inflation will be high, because of rising tariffs and the price of meat" and felt that "For a recovery to be noticed, it is necessary that inflation fall".


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