Where and what can you buy in supermarkets at 50% of Banco Provincia


The government of Maria Eugenia Vidal has relaunched the profit for purchases with cards from the official bank of Buenos Aires. You will have a withdrawal limit of $ 1,500

The governor of Buenos Aires, Maria Eugenia Vidal revived Wednesday the program of 50% discount in supermarkets in purchases with credit and debit cards for customers from Banco Province which will begin next Wednesday and will have a repayment cap of [15009006] of $ 1,500 per month .

Together with the president of Banco Provincia, Juan Curutchet Vidal announces in an act in the Room of Multiple Uses of the Government House in La Plata and he acknowledged that they live " difficult month " because "inflation is more than expected".

Reduction plan with maps of Bapro is a measure that was in force between July and November of last year with large customer participation and in December it was applied only to Christmas products and the amount to be refunded has been reduced. 19659003] Now, the program will begin on July 18 and "it will be applied on the third and fourth Wednesday of each month," the governor said in his announcement in the city of La Plata.

Where will the reduction be applied?
Will be available in 239 branches of the chains Coto Disco Jumbo and Plaza Vea of all the provincial territory and the City of Buenos Aires

Vidal has stated that this program "will benefit more than four million residents of Buenos Aires who are clients of Banco Provincia", an entity that "for many years has spent most of its lending resources to the government. argued that during his tenure he had not requested resources from Banco Provincia and considered that, for this reason, the funds could be redirected for [“19459006] ". mortgages credits for the field to be recovered after emergency situations such as the droughts or the floods the lines for the Pymes "

Curutchet explained that "last year 900,000 Buenos Aires has acceded to this advantage. We want more and more people to choose Banco Provincia as a bank. This is a big effort, but the bank is able to cope with it because, during the first five months of the year, we earned 4 billion pesos. "

As detailed, the promotion may be viewed with the cards Visa Debito ] Visa Credit and Mastercard Bank Credit Province in affiliated supermarkets. [19659005] Which products are concerned?
The products that will be part of this promotional package are: in general (including fresh), fruits and vegetables selected cuts of beef (roast, shoulder and roast beef), all cuts of pork, products of cleaning soft drinks and products of " Price of care " of all categories provided in the promotion.

Citizens who use the debit card to make purchases promoted, they will have withdrawals in their accounts in 10 business days after purchase .

In the case of those who use the c card redit, purchases can be made in one payment and the corresponding amount will be refunded in the next two summaries.

Del 50% savings 20% will be in charge of each supermarket and 30% by the Bank.

It works, case by case, in a purchase of $ 3,000 of which will be repaid $ 1,500 .

For a purchase of $ 1,000, $ 500 will be refunded, but for a purchase of $ 5,000, $ 1,500 will be refunded. is the maximum amount of the benefit.

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