Where is it and what has been done with the IMF's request?


Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, former president and candidate for the vice presidency of the Front de Tous (FdT), said yesterday that if they arrived at Casa Rosada with their formula partner, Alberto Fernández, the debts incurred would be reimbursed, but they warned, "You have to wonder where you are and what has been done with what the IMF has been asking for."

Presenting his book "Sincerely" in Missions, CFK spoke for more than an hour on various topics, such as the IMF loan, the relations between Kirchnerism and the multinationals and the economic situation after the paso.

In Posadas, in front of activists who occupied the sports center Finito Gehrmann, he blamed President Mauricio Macri for having considered that "people do not vote for a president to blame him, but to solve problems" .

"The task of a leader is to prevent people from suffering," said the national senator, who also recalled that "when the international crisis of 2008 erupted with the fall of Lehman Brothers in Argentina, the crisis of popular microeconomics has "felt" during his tenure.

Regarding the external debt and the commitment to repay the IMF loan contracted by the current national government, Cristina Kirchner is said to agree with Alberto Fernández, stating: "We will respect our debts but do not expect to do it at the expense of the Argentine people. "

In this regard, he cautioned, "You have to ask where he is and what has been done with what has been asked of the Fund, then there will be a discussion about who should pay for it," he said. declared.

On the relationship between Kirchnerism and the multinational oil companies and the controversy over the words of Alberto Fernández in Spain, the former president recalled that "Vaca Muerta is recovered by us when we decided to recover YPF for our country and I did it. " YPF's contract with Chevron. "

"So, do not say we are against multinationals, what we want is that the product for domestic consumption is at national prices and that what is exported is at international prices. and lies, "he concluded.

Then, badyzing the social and economic situation, the former president said: "The most frightening and dangerous fall is that of health and nutrition because of the reappearance of diseases, poverty and lack of vaccines it worries me a lot. "

On the other hand, he said that "everything must be reorganized, which will require a social contract from all sectors," he said.

In a central hotel in the missionary capital, Cristina Kirchner had prior talks with the actor, Governor Hugo Pbadalacqua, Senator Maurice Closs and former President of Paraguay, Fernando Lugo. Upon her arrival on Friday, she was received by the Mayor of Posadas, Joaquín Lozada.


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