where to register and when will they start applying


After the delays in the arrival of the doses planned for the beginning of the year, a fourth shipment of the Sputnik V vaccine arrived on Friday, for 400 thousand doses, and it is expected that Wednesday the first shipment, for 580 thousand doses, from Indian Covishield vaccine, made with Oxford and AstraZeneca. The City and Province of Buenos Aires are moving forward to conclude with the first stage of the vaccination campaign against the coronavirus, intended specifically for health workers, and start vaccinating the elderly. The government of Buenos Aires, however, has not opened registrations for the latter group. How to register?

Province: centralized system

Each district has established its own method. In the province of Buenos Aires, you must register with full name, ID, address, cell phone, email and information on pre-existing conditions, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and / or chronic kidney disease . Anyone can register from the age of 18.

The form is available on the official website or in the Buenos Aires Vacunate app, and will allow the Province to generate statistics to predict the number of doses needed, in addition to automatically issuing a lag for when the group vaccination population in which each person is inserted.

Governor Axel Kicillof has received the coronavirus vaccine.  Photo: government.

Governor Axel Kicillof has received the coronavirus vaccine. Photo: government.

According to information from the provincial government, until February 15, there had been 232 thousand applications of the Sputnik V vaccine for healthcare professionals, including 143,000 first doses and 89,000 second doses (complete vaccination process).

This week they announced that they will conclude the process of immunizing health teams and start with teachers belonging to at-risk groups and elderly people living in residences. Adults over 70 have already started to be cited to receive the first dose this week.

City: Targeted Shift System

In the city of Buenos Aires, on the other hand, the process has not been opened so far, except for health professionals, who had to register in their referral health center or, if they were working from take turns to go to the vaccination center. located in the stadium of River, in Núñez.

Now the vaccination of adults over 70 and those people who live in retirement homes in the city. For this last group, it will not be necessary to take a turn. The government of Buenos Aires will have 8 vehicles that will travel through the 498 homes to make requests.

River Vaccination Center for Independent Health Professionals.

River Vaccination Center for Independent Health Professionals.

For people over 70 who do not reside in nursing homes, the government of Buenos Aires will set up a work shift in which they can schedule a day and an hour in a public vaccination center. of their choice, as the doses arrive. Details will be confirmed in the coming days.

Also, once the government announces the start of the second stage of vaccination, those with social or prepaid work in Italian, German and UK hospitals, CEMIC, OSUTHGRA, OSECAC and OBSBA, should consult privately how get an appointment.

Stages of vaccination

In Argentina, vaccination is guaranteed by the national state, voluntary, does not depend on the history of the disease and includes six stages.

  • Step 1: Healthcare workers (classified according to activity risk stratification)
  • Stage 2: Adults 70 years of age and over / Seniors residing in long-term homes
  • Stage 3: Adults 60 to 69 years old
  • Step 4: Armed forces, security personnel and prison services
  • Stage 5: Adults aged 18 to 59 at risk
  • Step 6: Teaching and non-teaching staff (initial, primary and secondary)
  • Finally, to follow: other strategic populations defined by the jurisdictions and the availability of doses

Of course, each jurisdiction makes a difference when it adapts the plan to local needs. For example, while in the city of Buenos Aires, teachers will still have to wait to receive the vaccine, in the province of Buenos Aires, Governor Axel Kicillof announced that once the vaccination of those working in the field of health ended, the teachers with previous illnesses They will enter the second stage of vaccination with older adults who also have previous illnesses.

How many vaccines has Argentina received? How much do you need

The national government estimates that 54,431,000 doses will be needed (some vaccines require two doses) to reach the goal of its vaccination campaign which, after considering a loss of 15%, will reach between 23,000,000 and 24,000,000 to vaccinate the people.

So far, Argentina had received three shipments of the Russian vaccine Sputnik V – which requires two applications with a minimum interval of 21 days between each – for a total of 820 thousand doses. A fourth batch of 400,000 doses arrived on Friday.

The first batch, for 580 thousand doses, of the Indian vaccine Covishield, manufactured with the technology of Oxford and AstraZeneca, will be added this Wednesday. The national government approved this vaccine last week, which also requires two doses and offers 76% protection after the first application.



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