Which are the most and least happy countries in the world?


The United Nations (UN) published the 2019 edition of the ranking of the happiest countries in the world. The report was released by the agency this Wednesday on the occasion of the International Day of Happiness celebration. For the second year in a row, the first place went to Finland.

The World Happiness Report is an annual publication produced by the UN. His goal is to study What are the practices that contribute to happiness of people around the world. With this information, the agency intends to rethink government policies in certain areas to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants.

The methodology used by the organization is that a sample of people from 156 countries different answers to a series of questions about perception of their quality of life on a scale from 0 to 10, the punctuation from which the list is made. Then the first positions.

The 10 happiest countries in the world

1 Finland

2 Denmark

3 Norway

4 Iceland

5 the Netherlands

6 Switzerland

7 Sweden

8 New Zealand

9 Canada

10 Austria

Opening picture of the first chapter of the report (Source: UN).
Opening picture of the first chapter of the report (Source: UN).

"This year's report provides evidence that leads to a reflection on how addictions cause a lot of suffering and depression in the United States, "said Professor Jeffrey Sachs, one of its authors.

The variables considered by the UN to develop the list are: GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom of decision, generosity, perception of corruption in the country and positive and negative emotions felt in the short term.

Of course, the countries that occupy the top positions are those that have met the main indicators and are characterized by the stability of their society. In this sense, Argentina was ranked 47th in the rankings, behind its neighbors, Chile ranks 26th, Brazil 32nd and Uruguay 33rd.

The 10 least happy countries in the world

1 South Sudan

2 Central African Republic

3 Afghanistan

4 Tanzania

5 Rwanda

6 Yemen

7 Malawi

8 Syria

9 Botswana

10 Haiti

Women carry sacks of food in southern Sudan (Source: REUTER).
Women carry sacks of food in southern Sudan (Source: REUTER).

About South Sudan, the least happy country of all those badyzed, the UN recently said that 60% of the population is threatened by hunger, as it is a country in the midst of a civil war that killed 400,000 people. According to the report, the situation is similar in Yemen, Afghanistan and the Central African Republic.

Finally, the authors of the study indicated that happiness in the world has receded in recent years, and linked the phenomenon with the increase of negative feelings like "worry, sadness and fury, particularly present in Asia and Africa, and recently in other places".


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