which companies of the world's richest unemployed


In addition to owning Alibaba e-commerce, he also created AliExpress, TMall, Taobao University and Alimama. On Tuesday, he resigned as president of his company.

Jack Ma, creator of Chinese e-commerce Alibaba, is the richest "unemployed" in the world, having left the presidency of his company on Tuesday.

In April 1999, the businessman ceased to be an English professor to devote himself to setting up his own e-commerce business in Hangzhou.

Alibaba, his company, is a market that connects sellers with buyers and operates mainly in China, where Ma has been able to do business effectively under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Ma was born in 1964. His real name is Ma Yun, but he took his nickname "Westernized" when he was working as a tour guide. He has a fortune of about 40,000 million dollars, said La Nación.

Some time later, he tried to enter the university twice until, in the third and expired, he entered. After further refusals as part of the addiction, he began teaching English at a university.

It was his links with the Anglo-Saxon language that led him to found Alibaba: fascinated by the use of the Internet in the United States after a business trip, he opted for an e-commerce company, but in his country.

In 1999, he founded Alibaba. The Chinese government's tight control over the Internet has allowed the company to grow rapidly without much competition. Some time later, he received investments from Goldman Sachs and the Japanese company SoftBank. In 2005, Yahoo bought 40% of the company.

Less than 10 years later, in 2013, the company was the protagonist of the largest public offering (IPO) to date: it stood at 25,000 million USD.

Prior to its IPO, Ma had launched three other companies: Taobao University (an online educational institution focused on e-commerce education); Alimama (an online marketing platform) and TMall (a retail market).

Today, Alibaba.com is a site dedicated to B2B commerce ("business to business"). AliExpress, meanwhile, targets the general public.

In addition, in Argentina, Argentina had a special "pavilion" offering tourist offers, recalled La Nación. The Chinese public is one of the most attractive in the world of travel: an estimated 120 million people leave the Asian giant each year.

Despite the consequences of the trade war between China and the United States, which slowed its sales, the business man did not stop at expanding his trade. Shortly before retiring, Ma acquired the Kaola Ecommerce platform for 2000 million UDS.

In 2017, Ma was in Argentina and gave a lecture at the Cultural Center of Science. On this occasion, he left memorable sentences to explain his philosophy. "There are no experts in the future, there are only experts in the past," he said, encouraging the public to think about what would happen.

"They will find opportunities where complaints arise, where improvements are possible," he added. He then suggested that startups that are dedicated to improving e-commerce and creating exports do not pay taxes during the first five years of business. "Let them grow up first and then collect taxes," he said.

On other occasions, the sentences touched the controversy. This year, he announced his intention to have his employees work under the "996" program, from 9 am to 9 pm (twelve hours) and six days a week. On the other hand, he is also an advocate for hiring people smarter than himself and inspiring them with "values" and not "controls such as laws and documents".

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