Which countries can be entered with the Sputnik V vaccine


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However, there are some very pleasant tourist alternatives for Argentines who have two doses of Sputnik V to visit on vacation or on a business trip.

Countries in Europe that allow entry with Sputnik V

Without a doubt, Europe is the second most chosen destination for tourists in our country. In this case, some countries allow the entry of vaccinated Argentines, without PCR or quarantine, but they must be the vaccines approved by each country.

Countries that allow entry of people vaccinated with the Gamaleya Institute are Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia and the micro-state of San Marino. It is also authorized in Turkey, Albania, Serbia and Montenegro and North Macedonia, that are not part of the EU.

Since March 4, Russian development has been waiting for a license allowing it to enter the European market on a larger scale. Vladimir Putin’s government blames the delay on geopolitical issues, while regulators point out that the country has not submitted all the required documents. In June, WHO spokespersons estimated that the authorization would arrive “before the end of the year”.

At Spain, in the event that an Argentinian who received Sputnik must travel for professional reasons or because he has a seriously ill relative, You must obtain special authorization from the Spanish consulate and attach a negative PCR test.

Latin American countries that allow entry with Sputnik V


The neighboring country will open its borders from October 1. It can be introduced with any vaccine approved by the Chilean Institute of Public Health (Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Sinovac, AstraZeneca, Cansino and Sputnik V), by WHO, FDA or EMA.

Before entering the country, the data must be validated on the mevacuno.gob.cl site, they must also present a 72 hour PCR test before entering the country and doing strict isolation for five days in a hotel. They must also do a self-monitoring report for 14 days.


Since the beginning of September, Uruguay has opened its borders to foreigners who can justify their entry: either because they have property in the country; Humanitarian reasons; family reunion; diplomats; legal, economic, commercial or labor reasons.

From November 1, the borders will be open to foreigners in general. In both stages, those who want to travel to the country must present a negative PCR test up to 72 hours before being immunized with both doses one of the vaccines approved by WHO (Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, Sinovac, Covishield and Sinopharm). He also accepts Sputnik.


To enter Brazil, travelers must prove a negative result for Covid-19 by RT-PCR by certificate issued within 72 hours of shipment.


Whether it’s Cancun or Puerto Vallarta, they never impose big restrictions on travelers, benefiting the country’s main industry: tourism. This would not change depending on the vaccination brand of Argentines who would choose it as their destination for the summer.


This country is already opening borders to Argentinian tourists. All vaccines are accepted, and people with both doses (the second applied up to two weeks before travel) do not need to be isolated. Those who are not vaccinated or whose regimen is incomplete should be quarantined for five days and undergo PCR testing when the deadline is met.

Anyone wishing to enter Paraguay must complete the traveler’s health declaration form and present PCR test (performed up to 72 hours before) or antigens (24 hours) before travel.


There is no compulsory vaccination, but you must present a negative PCR test performed for up to 72 hours earlier for more than five years. By bequeathing to the country, 10 days of isolation and on the seventh day, tourists will have to take another test.


The coffee country is more flexible: since June 1 eliminated the requirement of negative PCR to enter the country, tourists only need to complete the Check-Mig migration form 24 hours before the flight.


Since a few months does not require a vaccination or isolation certificate, only a negative PCR test carried out up to 72 hours before travel.


Tourists traveling to Ecuador must present a PCR test carried out up to 72 hours before (for everyone from 2 years old) and a vaccination record with a complete schedule. To travel to the Galapagos Islands, however, the vaccination certificate is not required.

Dominican Republic It is the main tourist destination of our country. This country has always had its beaches open to Argentines, even in 2020, when very few were vaccinated. Only a complete vaccination certificate should be presented, with at least three weeks elapsed since vaccination.

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