which country can I enter with the vaccine I received


Some borders are opening up, but there are restrictions that continue to apply, such as the requirement or not of PCR tests, quarantines and especially the vaccines they accept. Yesterday, we knew that it would not be necessary to do a ten-day quarantine on entry to Spain for travelers from six countries in Latin America and Africa, including Argentina, but They must have vaccines approved by the European regulatory agency, EMA or WHO.

If you want to travel abroad and considering that restrictions are the order of the day, It is advisable to consult the embassies and consulates of the countries of destination since they all have different regulations – just like Argentina has its own – to manage the entry of individuals into their country in the context of a health emergency.

With this in mind, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) have created a Travel Tracker to know the restrictions in force on arrival in each country.

A limitation, which only occurs in the European Union, is that restrictions apply to those who have not received vaccines approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA, for its acronym in English).

In the case of Argentines who Those who have received the vaccines from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna and Janssen will be able to enter Spain. Also those which appear in the emergency list of the World Health Organization (WHO), to which are added Sinopharm and Sinovac-Coronavac. In contrast, Sputnik has not yet been authorized in Spain.

In the United States, Argentines can enter with a negative certificate.

Sputnik V has not yet been approved by EMA or WHO, according to the Russian government, for geopolitical interests. However, some EU member countries accept travelers vaccinated with the Russian vaccine: Greece, Croatia, Hungary and Slovakia, Albania, Serbia and Montenegro, and North Macedonia (which do not part of the EU). Cyprus has also approved the Russian vaccine, and already on the border between Europe and Asia, Turkey (a non-EU country) is another of the states that accepts travelers vaccinated with Sputnik.

At a time, the Argentinian who received the Sputnik and you have to travel for professional reasons, you can request a special authorization from the Spanish consulate.

THEa Sinopharm is recognized by eight European countries: Austria, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Malta, Spain and Sweden, to which Estonia would join, as announced by the Baltic nation.

Chile has announced that it will open its borders although it has not put forward dates.

About CovishieldAlthough this is the same AstraZeneca vaccine as the one produced in India, it has yet to be officially approved by the EMA, which claims the lab has not completed all the required paperwork at the Indian factory. , including details of its production practices and quality control. standards.

However, there are 17 countries in Europe that allow entry of travelers vaccinated with Covishield: Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Netherlands, Slovenia, Sweden and Switzerland.

At United States, Argentines can enter with a negative coronavirus certificate issued at least three days before leaving the country of origin, but there are no restrictions on vaccines.

the Argentines who visiting Brazil should Consider that this requires a negative test performed 72 hours before entering in addition to completing a pre-departure affidavit, which is issued once at destination. As Chile like Uruguay they keep their borders closed to foreign visitors.

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