Which Cuban vaccine already has an authorization, is it among the most effective and could reach Argentina?


the regulator Cuba today authorized the emergency use of the Abdala vaccine against the coronavirus, developed on the island and the first of Latin America receive approval for mass use.

The inoculant, which has an efficiency of 92.28% according to local studies, already administered among Cubans, was exported to Venezuela where it will also be produced and several countries in the region have expressed an interest in acquiring it, in particular Argentina.

The Cuban Center for State Control of Medicines, Equipment and Medical Devices (Cecmed) decided to authorize it “once it has been confirmed that meets the requirements and parameters required in terms of quality, safety and efficiency“he said in a statement.

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The regulator explained that to give the approval a “rigorous review process” of the drug was carried out, the factories involved in its production and the data obtained at the various stages of the clinical test, including the current phase 3.

In this sense, he stressed that the vaccinator “has shown 92.28% efficacy in preventing symptomatic forms of the disease, as well as an adequate safety profile, supported by the number of doses applied in the clinical trials carried out “.

The Abdala, next to each other vaccine the most advanced of Cuba called Sovereign 02, are administered en masse on the island in a model called health intervention, with volunteers from groups at risk, such as health workers, and in areas where disease transmission is higher. virus in provinces like Havana, Santiago de Cuba O Matanzas.

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According to data provided on Tuesday, about 6.8 million Cubans had received at least one dose of Abdala or Soberana 02, and 1.6 million have already received all three doses of the complete regimen.

In the case of Sovereign 02, the yield is 91.2% when two doses are combined with one third of the Soberana Moresignthe Finlay Institute, also responsible for the world’s first meningococcal B vaccine in 1989.

From the lab that developed these inoculants, they predicted that “in the next few days” they would send the dossier to the regulatory body to get the same green light as today on Abdala.

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Cuba hope to have 70% of its population vaccinated in August and 100% before the end of the year, despite the blockade imposed by the United States which includes medical supplies, and to become the first country in the world to immunize its entire population with its own vaccines.

Those two inoculants are the only candidates in phase 3 developed in Latin America and they have already aroused the interest of several countries in the region, including Argentina.

In this context, the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, and the presidential adviser Cecilia Nicolini, they traveled at the end of May to Havana to know the progress of the development of the vaccines.

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EThe Venezuelan government, for its part, has already purchased 12 million doses of Abdala and announced that it will also produce it on its territory, while Vietnam Yes Mexico expressed interest in adding it to their vaccination campaigns.

In all, There are five drugs under investigation on the island (the others are Soberana 01 and Mambisa, in addition to Soberana Plus), plus a sixth under study with Chinese scientists, called Pan-Corona, which aims to be a next-generation vaccine that is more effective against different strains of SARS-CoV-2.

The approval of Abdala It comes as the country faces a sharp increase in cases, with a new 24-hour infection record recorded today: 6,422 cases, including 28 deaths.

Good news in one day with the worst national statistics in Covid-19. A light at the end of the tunnel of this long distance race against the pandemic“, indicates the Cuban President Miguel Daz-Canel on his Twitter account.

Au total, l’île de 11,2 millions d’habitants rapporte 224 798 positifs et 1 459 décès.

Mercredi, les autorités ont envoyé en urgence des médecins, du matériel et des fournitures médicales dans la province touristique de Matanzas, où les hôpitaux débordent.

La télévision cubaine a montré des images de l’hôpital de la ville de Crdenas, à 150 kilomètres à l’est de Havana, dont les couloirs sont pleins de brancards, tandis qu’une entreprise locale a été chargée de fabriquer de nouveaux lits, a rapporté l’agence de presse AFP.

Dans ce cadre, une campagne citoyenne a été lancée sur les réseaux sociaux pour envoyer des dons aux agents de santé et aux patients de cette région, et le président s’est rendu dans cette province, accompagné de plusieurs ministres.


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