Which laboratories have recommended a third dose of the vaccine to boost the immune response to the coronavirus


Although the World Health Organization (WHO) requested that the application of a third dose, the laboratories that produce the vaccines vs coronavirus they began to disclose details of their studies on this topic in which they emphasized the convenience of moving forward with enhanced inoculation. Even several nations have given the green light to its application. What are the percentages of efficiency and in what the countries this strategy is applied.

“I understand the fear of all governments to protect their inhabitants from the Delta variant, corn we cannot accept that the countries which have used the majority of the vaccine supply are still using more vaccines», Declared the general manager of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. However, despite his statements, nearly a dozen countries have implemented the application of the third dose.

What the labs reported on the booster doses

A few days ago, Pfizer issued a statement in which he assured that a third dose of its immunization makes it possible to “strongly” stimulate the immune response, whereas they estimated that an increase of this mechanism of nearly 100 times could be demonstrated before the Delta variant, for which they argued that would ask for a emergency clearance in order to Food and drug administration (FDA, for its acronym in English) for this new inoculation, in August.

They even pointed out that with a third dose compared to the full regimen, the antibody titers to the Delta variant They have one five times higher growth for the age group between 18 and 55 and 11 times for those between 65 and 85. Therefore, they assured that “The estimated potential would be up to 100 times greater than neutralization”.

For its part, Modern stressed this Thursday that a third dose of his vaccine highlighted a “robust antibody response before the worrisome variants ”, among which they listed the Gamma (Manaus), La Beta (South Africa) and Delta (India). They even pointed out that “the levels of neutralizing antibodies after the booster, they approached those observed after the primary vaccination with two doses ”, and they anticipated that these results will be published in a journal with reference and peer validation.

“We are happy that our vaccine against Covid-19 shows a 93% efficiency for six months, but we recognize that the Delta variant is a major new threat, so we must remain vigilant, “reported Stephane Bancel, Executive Director of Moderna, to the shareholders.

Although his vaccination has not yet been approved, Novavax He did the same, citing a phase 2 study on the application of a third dose. As pointed out in a press release, the 6 month reminder Completion of the scheme showed, for the original strain, a more than four-fold increase in the titers of neutralizing antibodies; while when specifying the Alpha, Beta and Delta variants, they pointed out that there was a “6-10-fold increase in cross-reacting functional antibodies”.

“The strong results of this study strengthen our confidence in the potential of a booster dose to provide a complete protection, even against known and emerging variantsSaid Gregory M. Glenn, president of research and development for the pharmaceutical company, anticipating that the results will be published in a peer-reviewed journal.

AstraZeneca, meanwhile, obtained the approval by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) of Brazil of a phase 3 trial where they will seek to analyze the efficacy, safety and immunogenicity of a booster dose, which will be applied between 11 and 13 months after the end of the regime.

For this trial, they will register 10 thousand volunteers the states of Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Grande do Norte and Sao Paulo. “Volunteers between 18 and 55 years old, who are very exposed to infection with the new coronavirus, such as health professionals, will be included”, explained the Brazilian agency and stressed: “This is a phase 3, controlled, randomized, single-blind study, that is to say in which only the volunteer will not know what he has received: if a dose of the vaccine or the placebo ”.

Meanwhile, the Russian direct investment fund, in the absence of published or communicated data, he announced in July that a third dose of Sputnik V Yeah Sputnik light for those who were inoculated with the complete diagram six months.

But that’s not all, another of the strategies deployed thanks to the development of the Gamaleya Institute is a specifically formulated immunization against the Delta variant, which was already offered as a back-up for other vaccine platforms, while others decided, without modification, to promote their inoculations What complement your competitors, as is the case with Cansino.

In which countries is the third dose already applied

Despite WHO’s request, there are almost a dozen nations who started to apply the third dose and others analyze the application of this short-term strategy.

  • Germany: will be applied from September, they will come from mRNAs (Pfizer and Moderna) and will be intended for population at risk with the aim of offering “the best possible protection” against entry into the colder seasons.
  • Israel: the third dose has already started to be applied and is intended for over 60 and immunocompromised.
  • United StatesDespite the fact that at the beginning it was said that those who are fully vaccinated do not need a third dose and that more data is still needed to apply this strategy; Anthony Fauci assured that they are already working so that their population with their compromised or immunocompromised immune systems can access a enhancement.
  • Bahrain: it will be at six months complete the diagram with Sinopharm and will be intended for the at-risk groups (over 50s, health and safety personnel, obese, low immunity and co-morbid people).
  • United Arab Emirates: would apply at six months to complete the diagrams and both the development of Pfizer like him Sinopharm.
  • France: these reinforcements are intended for immunocompromised people, which applies four weeks to complete the diagram.
  • Dominican Republic: was the first country in Latin America to announce the application of a third dose, intended for personal health. The strategy is to inoculate a vaccine with a different platform from the one previously applied.
  • Russia: the Ministry of Health has announced that the application of a booster dose will be recommended for those who finished their diet there six months. As they clarified, this measure is an emergency due to the increase in infections and a strategy to increase vaccination rates.
  • Uruguay: the Uruguayan health portfolio has already started applying a booster dose to those who have been immune with the vaccine Sinovac, which will be complemented by the development of Pfizer, at 90 days the diagram is complete.
  • Chile: President Sebastien Piñera announced the application of a third dose for people vaccinated with the vaccine CoronaVac (from Sinovac), to which the application of the development of AstraZeneca or Pfizer / BioNTech. This strategy will start to be applied from August 11.
  • UK: they will start to apply the reinforcement from September and will be intended for at-risk groups.


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