While Ramos Padilla was in Congress, the US Embassy gathered the people involved in the investigation


At the same time as the judge Alejo Ramos Padilla He was preparing to begin his presentation at Congress where he detailed the illegal espionage network that involves Marcelo D'Alessio and the prosecutor Carlos Stornelliand includes links with the government and the US EmbbadyFrom this diplomatic headquarters, they started an activity with the ambbadador Edward Prado, the Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich, the acting chief of prosecutors Eduardo Casal and the judges and prosecutors to whom the investigation by the judge of Dolores is closely linked. The photo of the event shows the network of relationships that in many cases they are woven in the framework described and examined by Judge Ramos Padilla.

Surely the organizers of the event at the Embbady they could not foresee that this would coincide with the presence of Ramos Padilla in Congress. But it's just as sure that they have no qualms about broadcasting a photo where many who appear smiling were mentioned on the illegal espionage card it begins to reveal Ramos Padilla's research.

To integrate

The announcement of the event is contained in the official Twitter account of the US Embbady, ​​which published a few days ago "Lost Cristina", then removes it without giving more than 39; explanations. "The workshop began sharing experiences on the fight against transnational crime and terrorism. Participants included our ambbadador, the Argentine Ministry of Security and the Attorney General. An exchange meeting with specialists from both countries on legal issues", They said of their official twitter.The event, which also appears on the website of the Embbady under the title" The United States and Argentina, united against the crime and the International Terrorism ", was sponsored by the United States Department of Justice.

To integrate

The workshop began sharing experiences on the fight against transnational crime and terrorism. Participants included our ambbadador, the Argentine Ministry of Security and the Attorney General. An exchange meeting with specialists from both countries on legal issues. pic.twitter.com/50jUxxhz6y

– Embbady USAUUArg (@EmbajadaEEUUarg) March 13, 2019

The embbady itself was responsible for distributing a photo of the event where the participants were exhibited. The center is represented by Ambbadador Prado, a former judge who, in his confirmation hearing before the US Senate, said: "My intention is to continue working with Argentina's lawyers and judges to improve the judicial system and build the trust that people have in the justice system."By his side, smiling, Bullrich, who was accompanied by Pablo Noceti, his former advisor dedicated to the smear, among others, the investigation into the death of Santiago Maldonado, and by GErardo Milman, number 3 of the ministry. With the minister, the acting attorney Casal is seen. That is to say that the superior of the prosecutor Stornelli and the minister who, we know, have had several contacts with D & # 39; Alessio.

The workshop was not lost Juan Manuel Olima Espel, Secretary of Institutional Co-ordination of the Prosecutor and, in turn, Head of the Secretariat for Comprehensive Analysis of International Terrorism (SAIT), name that Casal has chosen to incorporate as an anti-terrorist unit whose purpose hidden is the persecution of social protest. This unit is a Made in USA import. It's not unusual that they name Olima Espel. There are days, Horacio Verbitsky posted a photo of Olima Espel wearing a DEA beanie, the agency to which D & # 39; Alessio claimed to belong.

In his congressional address, which took place in parallel with this workshop, Ramos Padilla appointed the US Embbady on several occasions. On the one hand, he said he consulted with the embbady if Alessio was a member of an intelligence service in that country. There was no answer. The only version that does not integrate the DEA, the CIA, the FBI or the NSA gave him Clarin and their satellite media, according to diplomatic sources that they have never named. On the other hand, Ramos Padilla recalled the influence of the Embbady on judges and prosecutors, especially those attending the State Department's celebrations and trainings. "I was the subject of the operations because I'm going to March 24, but it seems natural that judges and prosecutors go to the US Embbady and receive instructions in matters of justice.he said, he knew what he was talking about, it was happening now.

Behind the trio Prado, Bullrich, Casal, in the photo Juan Tomás Rodriguez Ponte. It is the Director of the Directorate of Legal Assistance for Complex Crimes and Organized Crime of the Judiciary of the Nation ", the DAJuDeCO In Creole, the listening office which, since the arrival of Mauricio Macri, (dis) control between the Supreme Court, the old guard of Commodore Py and Daniel Angelici. Rodriguez Ponte came to this place for his previous work as a judge's secretary Ariel Lijo, which had a significant impact on the construction of the new Ojota, as was the former SIDE listening office. They've been there, for example, the listeners whose supposed transcripts fell into the hands of Elisa Carrió and from there to the top of Bugle, in an operation to boycott the Ramos Padilla investigation in which they tried to install that it was a maneuver orchestrated by former Kirchner officials arrested . Another fact no less is that Rodriguez Ponte is married to Prosecutor Alejandra Mangano, who played (magically draws) with the judge Julian Ercolini Stornelli's denunciation against D'Alessio in Comodoro Py and supports the maneuver aimed at eliminating the cause of Ramos Padilla.

The names of people related to the scandal of Alessio and having attended the event at the Embbady is the judge Marcelo Aguinsky, that D'Alessio mentioned in his extortion practices with former customs broker Gabriel Traficante. Also the judge of Lomas de Zamora Federico Villena, who investigated Alessio for money laundering for several years and participated in raids led by Ramos Padilla in the country where D & # 39; Alessio lives.

In the photo, on the far right, you see the chief of the Prosecutor of Narcocriminality (Procunar) Diego Iglesias. In The Rocket to the Moon, Verbitsky said: "Named by Gils Carbó at the request of Commodore Py, Iglesias created links with the DEA that the former Procurator did not encourage. In keeping with its tradition, the organization prefers to communicate with average levels, not domes, to provide resources and information in inorganic form."Next to him is Santiago Marquevich, the tax unit specializing in extortion kidnappings.

We also see Sergio Mola, recently appointed Deputy Attorney General of the Attorney General at a ceremony they attended, testifying to the lack of independence of the Attorney General, the Minister of Security, Bullrich, his counterpart in Buenos Aires Cristian Ritondo and the prosecutor of the province of Buenos Aires, Julio Conte Grand. The journalist Carla Pelliza published in El Destape that "On February 19, Diego Luciani, Head of the Office of the Prosecutor at the Federal Criminal Courts Oral, asked Mola to participate in the oral hearing against CFK in the alleged illegal badociation case. . State by the works of the public highway in Santa Cruz. According to the arguments, they needed it because of the multiplicity of the accused, the quality and number of lawyers involved, the complexity of the maneuvers that were the subject of an investigation, as well as the length of the debate."

Among the prosecutors promoted during the Macri era, there is Mario Villar, currently prosecutor before the Criminal Cbadation Chamber. Sandra Arroyo Salgado, judge of San Isidro and former wife of the deceased prosecutor Natalio Alberto Nismanhe also went to the workshop. There is no point in recalling the links between the embbady and the intelligence services of her and her ex-husband. Juan Félix Marteau, a lawyer who explained the world of anti-money laundering screens, was an official in the early years of Macri and placed a large part of the line staff of the Financial Information Unit.


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