While the Amazon burned, Bolsonaro's son went out to support Macri


The Brazilian deputy and son of Brazilian President, Eduardo Bolsonaro, has set aside the international crisis in his country while the Amazon is burning to support the candidacy of Mauricio Macri.

"There is hope in Argentina!", Said the ex-Brazilian police, accompanied by the video of the euphoric reaction of the president on the balcony of Casa Rosada, broadcast by his team on networks.

It is the son of Jair Bolsonaro, who called French President Emmanuel Macron "idiot", after calling the G-7 members to discuss fires in the Amazon.


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For his part, he also published a tweet from Brazilian Foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo, who said that Jorge Faurie had been contacted, who "reiterated President Macri's support in Brazil on the issue of fires in the Amazon".

"We will not let the environmental issue serve as a pretext to undermine the Mercosur-European Union agreements," said the Foreign Minister.


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