While waiting for the disbursement of the IMF, Macri has maintained with Trump


As you will remember, The board of directors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) met on Friday to badess the crisis in Argentina, but made no decision. on the rescheduling of the debt or the planned disbursement in the country to cope with the volatility of the currencies.

The head of the IMF mission to Argentina, Roberto Cardarelli, met the council informally and provided a report on the country's economic situation.

The board is the body that authorizes disbursements for the various programs, but as expected, it has not made a decision on the re-inflation of the debt or the turnaround planned for September.

After the adverse outcome of the OSP, Casa Rosada hopes that White House support will be critical for the IMF to maintain its financial support to Argentina.

The Macri-Trump Conversation also took place a few days before the arrival of the eldest daughter of US President Ivanka Trump.and number two from the State Department, John J. Sullivan, who will visit Argentina, Paraguay and Colombia next week.

The State Department announced that Ivanka and Sullivan would meet with "leading officials and civil society actors from the three countries" to discuss the Initiative for the Development and Prosperity of the White House at the White House, according to a statement posted on its website.

Both "highlight the government's support for the integration and political and economic empowerment of women".

The last phone conversation flirted in May, when The Republican expressed strong support for the government's economic policy.

The dialogue lasted about 10 minutes and, according to the White House statement, "Both leaders discussed President Macri's important economic reform measures and regional challenges".

The letter also stated that "President Trump has expressed strong support for the economic program" and "for the progress he has made in the modernization of the Argentine economy".


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