White House prepares new dialogue between Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping


US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan at a White House press conference (Photo: EFE / Yuri Gripas / Pool)
US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan at a White House press conference (Photo: EFE / Yuri Gripas / Pool)

White House to schedule new dialogue between US President Joe Biden and Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping “soon”While it has not yet decided whether this contact will be by phone or in person at an international summit, like that of the G20 in October.

This was indicated this Thursday by Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan during a press conference call to take stock of the President’s first international tour, which ended Wednesday and included stops in the UK, Belgium and Switzerland.

“We will sit down shortly to define the correct format for the two presidents (Biden and Xi) to have a dialogue. It could be over the phone, it could be at a meeting on the sidelines of another international summit or otherwise. “Sullivan said.

Biden’s adviser recalled that “it is likely that the two leaders will coincide at the G20 summit” to be held in Rome at the end of October, although he has not guaranteed that there will be a meeting in this framework.

Sullivan pointed out the “Commitment” for Biden to “engage somehow with President Xi in the coming months, to take note of where we are in the relationship and make sure we have a direct communication ” like the one the US president had on Wednesday with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin.

Biden and Xi had a long phone conversation in February.But they haven’t met in person since the American came to power last January.

Chinese President Xi Jinping shakes hands with then-US Vice President Joe Biden inside the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on December 4, 2013 (Photo: REUTERS / Lintao Zhang / Pool)
Chinese President Xi Jinping shakes hands with then-US Vice President Joe Biden inside the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on December 4, 2013 (Photo: REUTERS / Lintao Zhang / Pool)

President Joe Biden has made competition with Beijing the central pillar of its foreign and trade policy, and during his European tour tried to strengthen the common front with its allies against China, that she warned that she would react if challenged.

At the NATO summit in Brussels, Alliance leaders demanded that China “act responsibly” and noted its “growing influence”, something that “can present challenges” that the Atlantic organization must meet.

With information from the EFE


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