It is customary that due to the pandemic caused by covid-19, different measures are constantly established. Now they say masks shouldn’t be worn during sports.
Just as social isolation has established itself – which has generated various health problems – both physical and psychological, today there are different views on whether or not to use the mask when practicing ‘physical activity.
From the WHO (World Health Organization), it is now not recommended to wear a mask during any type of physical exercise.
They ensure that its use in a high level sport can lead to:
- Reduce the oxygen resource well.
- And increase the levels of CO2 that we absorb.
In other words, wear a mask when playing sports:
- This reduces the ability to breathe comfortably and is a risk for all people who suffer from severe cardiopulmonary disease.
The WHO has announced that it is committed to constant ventilation as well as to the meter and a half distance which must be respected between one person and another.
Another measure announced by the WHO is that valve masks are not used, since these ??prevent mask filtration function?? and declares:
??The use of valves which allow unfiltered air to escape the mask is not recommended and is an inappropriate feature for masks used to prevent transmission.
At a general level, according to the WHO, masks should only be used as part of a ??comprehensive set of measures to help reduce the spread of covid??. And where they insist the most is that the company does not forget to maintain its hygiene by putting forward:
??Hand hygiene before putting on and after removing the mask, as well as proper use, storage and cleaning or disposal are essential to ensure the effectiveness of masks..
The experts’ view on the use of masks in sport
Experts make sure you always remember:
- Maintain social distance.
- Hygiene.
- Disinfection
- Personal protection
- Adequate biosecurity measures.
For them, these are the best recommendations that can be taken so that at some point they can gradually return to normal.
If you exercise in crowded places, there are those who prefer to wear a mask as a precaution and feel more secure. But doubts always arise as to whether this is desirable or counterproductive.
From a medical point of view, experts say that wearing a mask when running or cycling is not necessary and never has been.
Studies carried out so far by sports medicine, affirm that the use of masks during any type of intense physical exercise, hinders breathing.
Therefore, they recommend that its use be considered only when necessary, in cases where many people are crowded.
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