WHO and a new recommendation for groups at risk


Dorit Nitzan, Regional Director for Emergencies of WHO Europe, today estimated that the level of “Vaccination coverage in priority groups, including those over 60, health workers, people in nursing homes and the chronically ill, it is still low in several countries. “

Vaccines have been shown to be effective in preventing serious illness and death; more cases in these priority groups will mean more hospitalizations and deaths. That is why we urgently need to vaccinate all priority groups, ”Nitzan stressed.

“For the pandemic to end, we must rapidly increase inoculations in an equitable manner in all countries, by supporting the production of vaccines and, if necessary, by sharing the doses to protect the vulnerable population in each country ”, he added according to the ANSA agency.

“We must even continue to follow the health and social and sanitary measuresincluding testing, sequencing, tracing, isolation and quarantine. In addition to washing your hands, wearing a mask and keeping your distance in crowded and closed places, ”he added.

The WHO, finally, recalled to consider that “traveling is not without risks” and it is necessary to do it safely, following the indications collected under the hashtag #SummerSense of the Regional Office of World Health Organization for Europe.

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