Who are the famous people involved in the scandal of paying bribes to universities – 13/03/2019


The scandal of bribes paid by celebrities and millionaire entrepreneurs to prestigious universities in the United States already adds some names. Two of the actors involved are the Hollywood actresses: Lori Loughlin, known for her participation in the Full House sitcom, and Felicity Huffman, from the Desperate Housewives series. Women would have paid very high sums for their children to study in major schools. The list also appears Gordon Ernst, a former tennis coach in Georgetown, was also a teacher of former first lady Michelle Obama and her daughters. In your case, you would have received bribes.

The actress Lori Loughlin, involved in the scandal of bribes paid to American universities. (AP)

The actress Lori Loughlin, involved in the scandal of bribes paid to American universities. (AP)

In total, there are 50 accused. Among them, it seems fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli and Silicon Valley investor William E. McGlashan Jr. It was also imputed Marci Palatella, CEO of an alcohol dispenser.

Fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli, another famous figure involved in the bribery scandal paid to American universities. (AP)

Fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli, another famous figure involved in the bribery scandal paid to American universities. (AP)

According to what appeared, there were parents who came to pay up to $ 6 million to have their children go to one of the most recognized study houses.

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William Singer, which is imputed, owned and operated Edge College & Career Network LLC ("The Key"), a for-profit consulting and for-profit preparation company prepared by a college. In this way, he presented himself as "University Consultant" or "Advisor at Admission".

William Singer, founder of the Edge College & Career Network, another actor involved in the scandal. (AP)

William Singer, founder of the Edge College & Career Network, another actor involved in the scandal. (AP)

Once interested parents "contacted" him, he arranged for students to take their SAT or ACT exams (entry to college for undergraduate courses) at sites in Houston or Los Angeles where he had previously corrupted administrators. tests.

The coach Rudy Meredith, another of those involved in the scandal. (AP)

The coach Rudy Meredith, another of those involved in the scandal. (AP)

The Washington Post has released the names of several accused. There they appear Rudolph "Rudy" Meredith, former head of the Yale University football coach, and John Vandemoer, former coach at Stanford University. As well Igor Dvorskiy, director of a private elementary and secondary school in Los Angeles, and William Ferguson, former volleyball coach at Wake Forest University.

John Vandemoer, director of a private school, involved in the scandal. (AFP)

John Vandemoer, director of a private school, involved in the scandal. (AFP)

In addition: Martin Fox, president of a private tennis academy in Houston; Jorge Salcedoformer men's football coach at the University of California at Los Angeles; Michael Center, male tennis coach at the University of Texas; Gamal Abdelaziz, former manager of a resort and casino operator in China; and Todd Blake, businessman and investor.


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