Who are the seven K prisoners who were released after the WWTP and who are still being held


Christopher Lopez and Fabian De Sousa These are not the first prisoners linked to Kirchnerism to be released in the past two months. The freedom of businessmen was prelude to the cases of Gerardo Ferreyra, Fernando Esteche, Oscar Thomas, Cesar Milani and Carlos Cortez. All were released after STEP. Five of them in a week. And they would not be the last ones: Carlos Kirchner, cousin of the former dead president, asked for the same benefit and this Wednesday, justice will settle his future.

The owners of the Indalo group have obtained the agreement of Chamber I of the Federal Chamber to get out of prison: Federal Judge Claudio Bonadio has accepted the surety bond and the Federal Penitentiary Service (FPS) has finally opened the heavy portal of the prison. This Tuesday afternoon. In the courthouses, the overwhelming victory of the Fernández-Fernández formula in the PASO seems to be the main reason for the change of air.

The first published K of the year was César Milani. On August 9, two days before the primaries and when there was talk of a possible electoral advantage of Alberto Fernández, the former head of the army of Cristina Kirchner was acquitted and released by the justice of Rioja. He had appeared in court for kidnapping and torturing Pedro and Ramón Olivera.

The Federal Oral Court of La Rioja found that the procedure followed by the second lieutenant of the engineer battalion of the 1st section in the house of this family was "legal because of the investigation opened on an allegedly subversive act ".

Then it was the turn of Oscar Thomas. The former Yaciretá involved in "bribebooks" was detached from house arrest on September 17 because the Federal Chamber of Buenos Aires felt that there had been no danger of escaping, despite the fact that it belongs Fugitive 48 days after the arrest warrant of Federal Judge Claudio Bonadio.

However, it was last week that the trend began to spread like wildfire in the pavilions occupied by characters related to corruption at the Kirchner stadium.

The series of publications began on Thursday, October 3, when freedom was granted to Fernando Esteche, the former leader of Quebracho who will go to court for the pact with Iran. Once at home, he launched: "With the change of political time, things are returning to their place."

The next day, the businessman Carlos Cortez He left the prison with the condition of leaving one of his property as security. He is also involved in the "Notebooks" cause. He is accused of being one of the leaders of Daniel Muñoz, the former private secretary of Nestor Kirchner.

On the same day, October 4, they let out Gerardo Ferreyra, the vice president of electrical engineering also indicated in this folder. The first thing the businessman said in an interview When he regained his freedom, the situation was disturbing: "What my lawyers tell me is that this trial will never begin, like that of the AMIA."

Some prisoners linked to Kirchnerism want to have the same fate: Carlos Kirchner, the cousin of the former president, demanded his release during the trial for public works. The others remain attentive to judicial political times. One of them is the Patagonian business man Lázaro Báez, stopped at Ezeiza by the "K money road" and public works. Also his son Martin Baez, accused of fleeing 5.5 million US dollars abroad despite the seizure of accounts.

By the "cahiers des coimas" they are housed, between Ezeiza and Marcos Paz, Roberto BarattaFormer Deputy Secretary of the Federal Plan and Lawyers Michelangelo Plo and Federico Zupicich. By the "K money road", Jorge Chueco, Báez's lawyer. And for the "mafia of containers", Claudio "Monkey" Minnicelli, brother-in-law of De Vido.

July of Vido He is also imprisoned but sentenced: the Federal Court of Buenos Aires 4 sentenced him to five years and eight months in prison for fraudulent administration in connection with the investigation into the tragedy of the Eleven.

The same thing happened with the former secretary of public works: the Federal Oral Court 1 of Comodoro Py gave six years José López for the $ 9 million bags that he tried to hide in June 2016 in a convent of General Rodríguez.


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