Who are the six arrested for the incidents in front of the consulate of Chile


Six persons They were arrested Monday during the incidents in front of the consulate of Chile, a few meters from Plaza de Mayo. They were accused of attack, damage, resistance to authority and serious injury and will be the subject of an investigation Tuesday by prosecutor Federico Tropea.

The detainees were identified as Leandro Cano (27); Adrián Pitton (34): Antonio Hardoy (29); Pilar Ramírez (19 years old), of Uruguayan nationality; Violeta Larregli (51) and Myriam Selhi Ousset Garrone (40), Canadian, journalist and member of the Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS). All were housed at City Hall 8.

Walking on repudiation for "brutal repression which was already 11 dead and 1,500 wounded "in the trans-Andean country, the final destination was the building located on the avenue Roque Sáenz Peña at 547. The incidents occurred when the columns of protesters advanced along from Rivadavia Avenue, a few meters from San Martín Street and the cathedral station on metro line D.

The protest was growing peacefully until shortly before 19 a group of people journalists and cameramen attacked and the lack of control has begun. They burned garbage cans, destroyed sidewalks and traffic signs, and vandalized a fast food restaurant and a tourist information booth.

Fabio José Soria, cameraman The nation + He suffered a head injury and had to have four stitches. Ernesto Medina de Crónica was kicked in the head.

"We went with the cameramen to cover us because we saw a race and they appeared to us from all sides, they caught me from behind, they stole my camera and my backpack. everywhere, "said Soria.

In the meantime, the journalist TN, Mariana Segulín, said that a protester tried to steal the microphone. "I fought him, but they took my bucket," he said.

National Security Minister Patricia Bullrich used her Twitter account to criticize the incidents: "They have chosen violence as their way forward, this path is dangerous and uncontrollable and we are determined to continue to defend peace and tranquility. of our society, and we will act with all the weight of the law against those who want to generate chaos. "


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