WHO ensures that 70% of the population is vaccinated to eliminate the coronavirus | the Chronicle


Advances in Coronavirus Vaccine Development Generate Hope Around the World; however, The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that more than half of humanity would need to be vaccinated to end the pandemic. For his part, the founder of BioNTech, the German company partner of Pfizer, assured that there are several months left before “returning to the normal life” that everyone aspires.

WHO Chief Scientist, Soumya Swaminathan, asserted that for the pandemic to be a thing of the past, we must wait until the world’s population is vaccinated “probably in the 70% range”. Therefore, the emergence of multiple vaccines will be essential to facilitate distribution.

In the same vein, the director of the WHO Immunization Department, Kate obrien, who said that the number of vaccinated should be around “60 or 70%”, although he clarified that the short-term goal is to achieve this goal “Each country is capable of vaccinating at least 20% of its population in 2021”.

“In this case, the highest priority groups may have some degree of protection, which doesn’t mean that we just finish doing whatever we do.”, said the specialist, referring to the protective measures already implemented, such as social distancing, wearing chin straps, limiting contact, and hand hygiene.

“They won’t magically disappear with the vaccine, we’ll have to crush this virus using whatever we have on hand.”he insisted.

It is missing a lot

In addition to clarification from WHO specialists, Ugur Sahin, co-founder of BioNTech, the company that worked with Pfizer to develop its vaccine, also came, who warned that Europe will have “a difficult winter”, beyond vaccine development.

The scientist spoke of the UK’s plan to start vaccinating the population in football stadiums from December 1. In this sense, he said that the application of the drug “This does not mean that the situation will change drastically. “It will be a tough winter. It will get worse before it gets better.”added.

However, the return to normalcy that existed before the complications generated by the coronavirus would not be too far away, since Sahin assured that it could be “back to normal life by the middle of next year.”


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