WHO has assigned new names to variants of the …


The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on Tuesday that it had awarded a new name for the four variants of the coronavirus considered disturbing. From now on, each will be named after the letters of the Greek alphabet, which will make them easier to mention, remember and, moreover, avoid stigma and discrimination.

As the WHO notes, Public opinion tends to identify the main variants of the coronavirus by where they were detected and not by their scientific names, thus calling B.1.17 “British variant”; to B.1.351 “South African variant”; at P.1 “Brazilian variant” and to B.1.617.2 “India variant”. This, supports the international organization, generated stigma and discrimination against the countries involved and promoted disinformation.

“To avoid this and simplify communications with the public, WHO urges national authorities, media and others to adopt new namesThe Organization said in a statement.

After consulting with experts and evaluating different naming systems, the WHO decided to call:

  • Alfa to variant B.1.17 (British)
  • Beta to variant B.1.351 (South Africa)
  • Gamma to variant P.1 (Brazilian)
  • Delta a variant B.1.617.2 (India)

These names will be used for informational purposes only, But will not replace scientific names assigned in investigations because they themselves convey important scientific information, such as the lineage in which the variations of the original coronavirus were found.


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