WHO has confirmed Santa Claus is ‘immune’ to coronavirus – News


“We understand the concern of Santa Claus because he is older and part of a risk group. But we have found that he is immune to Covid-19 and is already working to bring all the freebies. We had a brief conversation with him and he is doing great“, The World Health Organization (WHO) reported at a press conference on Tuesday.

Santa’s wife is also doing great and they are both very busy right now, but he (Santa) is immune

On the other hand, the technical manager of the WHO pandemic, Maria Van Kerkhove, clarified that different countries will allow entry of Santa Claus to distribute their gifts in all territories of the world, despite the restrictions due to the pandemic.

We also spoke with leaders around the world and they opened up their airspace for you to distribute the freebies.

In this way, Santa Claus, also known as Father Christmas or Saint Nicholas in other countries, with their reindeer, they will be able to move in their magic sled the next Christmas Eve.

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However, Kerkhoveha reminded all children that “it is very important that all children in the world understand that social distancing with Santa Claus must be strictly enforced“.

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