WHO has raised concerns about Delta variant – News


The director of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Ghebreyesus, admitted on Friday the body’s concern about the Delta variant of the coronavirus.

“Delta is the most transmissible of the COVID-19 variants identified so far, has been identified in at least 85 countries and is spreading rapidly among unvaccinated populations. “, said the director of the entity.

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Ghebreyesus pointed out that while some countries are already lifting restrictions on the coronavirus, there is “an increase in the transmission of COVID-19 around the world” due to the incidence of this new strain which has been identified in India. in October 2020.

“More cases means more hospitalizations, putting even more strain on health workers and health systems, which increases the risk of death,” he warned.

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He also pointed out that the nature of viruses indicates that new variants will emerge and warned, “The more transmission, the more variants. The less transmission, the fewer variants.”

In this sense, he recommended “the personalized and consistent use of social and public health measures, in combination with equity in vaccines” to mitigate the effects of the pandemic.

Worldwide, until Friday, 180,335,821 people have contracted the virus, while there have been 3,907,269 deaths from the disease and 2,806,496,086 doses of Covid-19 vaccine have already been provided , according to data released by Johns Hopkins University.


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