WHO has warned that the Delta variant has powerful …


The World Health Organization (WHO) warned on Monday that the Delta variant has the potential to be more lethal than others, because its transmission is faster and puts vulnerable people at greater risk. In this sense, the director of emergencies, Michael Ryan, lamented the “catastrophic moral failure “ which represents the fact of not having vaccinated the population at risk in all countries.

“This Delta variant is faster, more efficient, attack the most vulnerable more effectively than before and if there are vulnerable unvaccinated people, they are at greater risk, ”UN News reported.

There, the body clarified that although “all these variants are fatal”, the Delta “has more potential because it is more efficient in transmission and eventually he will find the people who will become seriously ill, hospitalized and may die. ”

In this context, the WHO assured that “we can protect these vulnerable people now” and insisted with the initiative it has proposed since the start of the pandemic: vaccinate the population at risk in all countries of the world.

While it is true that no country has “excess” vaccines, he acknowledged, Solidarity consists in giving them not when they are in surplus but once health workers, the elderly and people with co-morbidities have been vaccinatedhe explained. “If we wait for them to save, they will never be given,” said Bruce Aylward, WHO senior adviser.

Regarding the effectiveness of existing vaccines against the new variants, epidemiologist María Van Kherkove said they were still effective but stressed that To obtain maximum protection, it is necessary to receive the complete immunization schedule.

In turn, he warned thatthere can be a constellation of mutations which make them lose their effectiveness “Therefore, it is important to focus all efforts on stopping the transmission of the virus, for which it is essential to continue to maintain hygiene and care measures.


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