Who is Abdul Aziz, the man who prevented more deaths in New Zealand


As an armed man advanced towards the mosque, killing those who were hindering him, Abdul Aziz did not hide. Instead, he launched the first thing he could find, a machine for credit card payments. He ran out and shouted, "Come here!

Aziz has been described as a hero who prevented more deaths during Friday prayers at Christchurch's Linwood Mosque, after luring the bandit into a cat-and-mouse chase, self

However, Aziz, 48, whose four sons and dozens of people remained at the mosque while clashing with the shooter, does not believe that he is a hero. He says that's what anybody would have done.

"Aziz has been described as a hero preventing more deaths, but he said that he did what anyone would have done."

The gunman killed 49 people after attacking two mosques during the deadliest shootout in New Zealand's modern history.

It appears that the gunman killed 41 people at Al Noor Mosque before traveling about 5 kilometers through the city and attacking the Linwood Mosque, where he killed seven others. One person died later in the hospital.


White supremacist Brenton Tarrant, 28, was charged with the murder and a judge said Saturday that it was reasonable to badume that it would be followed by other charges.

Alabi, the acting Imam of Linwood Mosque, said the death toll would have been much higher in his mosque without Aziz.

Alabi said he heard a voice outside the mosque around the 14th, when he stopped the prayer that he was directing and peeking out the window. He saw a man wearing black military-style clothing and a helmet, brandishing a large rifle, and badumed that he was a policeman. Then he saw two corpses and heard the banger screaming vulgarities.

"I realized that it was something different, it's a murderer," he said.


He shouted to the congregation of more than 80 people to bend over. They doubted There was a shot, a broken window and a fallen corpse, and people began to realize that everything was real.

"Then this brother came in. He pursued it, and he managed to dominate it, and that's how we fled," said Alabi, referring to Aziz. "Otherwise, if he could have entered the mosque, he would probably have killed us all."

Aziz said that while he was running outside shouting, he had been trying to distract the attacker. He said that the shooter ran to his car to take another weapon, and Aziz threw him the credit card machine.


The shooter returned by shooting. Aziz said that he was running while searching the cars parked in front of the entrance, which prevented the attacker from shooting him accurately. Then, Aziz saw a weapon that the suspect had left and took, aimed and pulled the trigger. It was empty.

He added that the shooter returned to the car for the second time, probably to take another weapon.

"He got into his car and took the gun and I threw it at the window like an arrow and broke the window," he said. The windshield shattered: "That's why he got scared."


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