Who is Ainara Suárez, the young woman who denounced YosStop for child pornography


(Photos: FGJ / Twitter)
(Photos: FGJ / Twitter)

On the night of Tuesday, June 29, it was announced that Yoseline “H”, better known as YosStop, had been arrested at her home in the office of Mayor Benito Juárez, in Mexico City, for Disseminate audiovisual material classified as “child pornography”.

The arrest of the YouTuber comes after Ainara Suárez filed a complaint against her and Four other men accused of equal rape identified as Carlos R, Axel A, Julián G and Nicolás B.

And it is that in 2018, Ainara Suárez, who was then 16 years old, decided to attend a party, where according to a video, was sexually assaulted. This act was recorded and the alleged attackers shared the clip via acquaintances and social media.

It was in March of this year that Ainara Suárez decided to take legal action against the four people who raped her. In various interviews, Ainara assured that she did not remember much of what happened that night and that the video they had recorded where she was sexually assaulted she had seen the next day.

“I had no idea what happened, if the video hadn’t existed I never would have realized it. I don’t remember, I have no recollection of what happened ”, Ainara commented on the TV program Azteca Ventaneando.

Ainara stressed at that point that she knew she had been assaulted when, two days later, she received a video showing everything that had happened to her: “A boy who was my friend sent it to me. and he asked me: to walk ‘. And when I realized it was horrible, it was as if they had dealt me ​​another blow ”.

Subsequently, a second video appeared in which Ainara he was fighting with women and this material quickly went viral as well.

After this second audiovisual, YossTop entered the equation, Well, both videos were highlighted by the YouTuber and it generated that Ainara was recognized not only as the one involved in the fight, but as the victim of sexual abuse.

In the video titled “Pathetic Generation,” which has already been deleted from YouTube, Hoffman said he saved the file to his mobile along with footage of the Suárez attack. The echo of YosStop and of speaking on the subject sparked the assault on Ainara.

In a video posted on March 8 of this year, titled “YOSSTOP DENOUNCED”, Yoseline “H” defended herself at the time of the charges and responded as follows:

“They wanted to implicate me in a crime that I never committed. But I fully trust the truth and common sense. Complaints should be faked as a tool for empowering citizens. Unfortunately I am involved in a matter which is foreign to me, I hope that everything is settled “, declared the youtubeur.

(Photo: justyoss / Instagram)
(Photo: justyoss / Instagram)

Last Wednesday, March 3, theCivil society FemXFem announced that Yoseline “N” was legally accused of committing crimes of child pornography and rape assimilated to Ainara.

“We have filed a factual complaint with the Office of the Special Prosecutor for Sexual Crimes of the Office of the Attorney General of Mexico City for crimes of equal violation and Child pornography, provided for in Articles 175 and 187 of the Penal Code applicable in this City (sic) ”, mentioned the complaint shared by FemXFem.

The lawyers called on the authorities to approach the issue from a gender perspective, since the violation was affected after “the intimidation received, abuse and re-victimization ”to which she was exposed: “After a year and a half of therapy, as well as multiple interviews with experts, he made the decision to initiate criminal proceedings.”.


Influencer YosStop was arrested for child pornography
“As if I had received another blow”: Ainara recounted the hell behind her rape and the assaults on YosStop
“A crime I never committed”: YosStop reacted to a complaint for the dissemination of explicit material by a minor

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