Who is Ana Estrada, the first woman to be euthanized in Peru


Prostrate in her bed, Ana Estrada says she feels “happy and content” because the Peruvian state has decided not to appeal a judge’s landmark ruling What recognizes your right to assisted dying, in a country where euthanasia is illegal.

“It’s an individual cause, in this case, but I hope this will serve as a precedent ”, Estrada claimed, shortly after the ministries of justice and health and state social insurance said on Tuesday evening that they would respect the judge’s sentence, so that the woman would have “a dignified death”.

Estrada, a 44-year-old psychologist, has suffered from polymyositis for three decades, a rare disease that attacks your muscles and does not cure, with gradual deterioration. It is connected to a mechanical ventilator most of the time and is assisted almost daily by a nurse. The woman started a legal battle about five years ago to ask and allow, in case you decide and “the time is right”, Euthanasia.

The Peruvian penal code says that aiding a person to die is a crime and is punishable by jail. “I believe this is an achievement not only of mine, not only of my cause, but also it is an achievement of law and justice in Peru ”, Estrada said, her voice muffled and broken.

Euthanasia is not allowed in many countries and in Peru, where the majority is Catholic, many conservatives strongly oppose the practice. In Latin America, Colombia allows the procedure under certain conditions.

“The court recognized the right to die with dignity for the Estrada case,” mediator Walter Gutiérrez told Reuters. And he added: “He recognized his autonomy, his will and his freedom to be able, when the time comes, to make the decision to end his life because he believes that he would no longer be worthy to continue living in a situation. of suffering. “

It was lawyers from the Ombudsman’s Office who took up Estrada’s case in a country where abortion and same-sex marriage are also banned. The court decision rendered last week provides that the public health insurance EsSalud provides “all the conditions” for the exercise of euthanasia in Estrada, which must be completed within 10 working days counted from the date Estrada manifests his will to end his life.

EsSalud said in a statement that it will comply with the court ruling and form medical boards to develop a protocol in this regard. The state social security also declared that “it will respect without restriction the decision of the doctors, in the free exercise of their right to conscientious objection, against the provisions of the court decision”.

The sentence orders in this case not to apply the penal code, that is to say it frees from any sanction the doctor who ends up providing a drug intended to end Estrada’s life. “Physically my health has deteriorated, it has become more difficult for me to speak, I am more tired”, said Estrada, who has been running a blog since 2016 called “Ana seeks a dignified death.”

“It will come at a time when I won’t even be able to write or express myself anymore,” he said. “My body is failing, but my mind and spirit are happy. I want the last moment of my life to continue to be like this, in freedom, with peace, tranquility and autonomy, I want to be remembered that way, ”the woman said.

Reuters Agency


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