Who is and what is Rita Segato, the feminist who will open the book fair – 25/04/2019


"When [Zaffaroni] think that the gender aggression, your intelligence lowers a blind and becomes opaque, I say it with pain and sadness ", there are said hours Rita Segato, the anthropologist who will deliver the inaugural address of the fair on Wednesday. Why are you saying it? "There is an error in focusing the gender issue on the aggressor and his victim. By placing a libido, an emotion and that idealized relationship of what a man and a woman are. Sexual badault is a matter of power and patriarchy is a political order. "

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This is precisely the idea that distinguishes Rita Segato, the strength of their positions. He says that it is a matter of power, he says that it is not enough to penalize, to send someone in prison, that the question of gender is a question of power and that she exceeds everyone.

It is the woman who, from the age of 18, will deliver the central discourse of the Lib Fairro, after the editors and officials speak.

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Segato was born in Buenos Aires in 1951, studied anthropology and music and specialized in ethnomusicology in Caracas.

In 1993, the city of Brasilia commissioned her to work on violence against women. He went to prison and interrogated people found guilty of rape. He drew many conclusions from this work.

Here, some of your ideas

  • "One of the difficulties, among the failures of feminist thought, is to believe that the problem of gender-based violence is a problem for men and women, and I think it is a symptom of history, of vicissitudes. through which society pbades, and here I have put the theme of the precariousness of life.life has become infinitely precarious, and the man who, by his mandate of masculinity, has the obligation to be strong, to be powerful, can not bear it anymore and has a lot of difficulty to be able to be ".
  • "The material efficiency of the law is fictitious, it is a belief system, we believe that the law leads to a conviction. Of course he must existr, the right, the entire legal system, the right process and the punishment. What I'm saying is that the punishment, the sentence will not solve the problembecause the problem is solved there, where there is the large amount of badaults that are not crimes, but that form the normality of aggression. Nobody would take this path if this soil did not exist. "
  • "Most badual badaults are not committed by psychopathheap. The biggest authors are subjects anxious to demonstrate that they are men "
  • "The rapist is the most moral subject that existsand "because" in the act of rape, he is moralizing the victim. He punishes the woman for behavior that he understands as contempt. He has the feeling of acting in favor of a law that is a moral law. "
  • "The rapist is never alone, even if it only occurs in a dialogue with a model of masculinity: with a stronger cousin, with a brother." He shows something to somebody else. one who is another man. "
  • Rapists "are the symptom of a moment in the world, a moment when there are masters of life and death, a political and economic context."
  • "I say that men are the first victims of the mandate of masculinity, I do not say that they are victims of women, I say that they are victims of a mandate of masculinity and of a hierarchical structure such as the structure of masculinity.They are the victims of other men, not women. "


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